Chapter 3

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Chiro: Hello mother.

He said as he looked at the Grave sign

Chiro: My other name is Toda I transferred to your son's body.

Chiro: I'm sorry for stealing your son's life, I don't mean to boast or anything but I was given a second chance in life, thanks to that I wouldn't be here right in front of you. so what I'm saying is that I will give my all to avoid all deaths and misunderstanding's your son has, well had. for now please put your faith in me. so that I can avoid all your son's misunderstood personality. Thank you for your time. 

Edward was Guarding the Cemetery and once Chiro arrived he saw little tears in his eyes. 

Edward: you okay, Chiro? 

Chiro: yes I am fine. anyways let's go home. 

Edward: as you wish. 

They got inside the carriage and went back home. Unknown to them someone arrived already and is waiting for him along with a little 'surprise'. 

1 hour later....

As Chiro and Edward arrived a maid informed them 

Maid 1: Young master, someone is waiting for you. 

Chiro: who is this someone? 

Maid 1: he ordered us to not tell you his name until you get there. 

Chiro: okay then. lead me directly to him. 

Edward's mind: he must be crazy!? surely he must have a plan, knowing his face expression.

Chiro's Mind: I DON'T HAVE A PLAN! that was stupid of me!? what should I do? 

Chiro then got an Idea 

Chiro: Edward. 

Edward: yes Chiro? 

Chiro: would you mind..... and that's all. 

Edward: as you wish. 

Edward then left his side 

???: Hello there Chiro.

Chiro: Hello there Axel.

Axel: so mind where you went half Brother. 

Chiro: I only went to see my mother. 

Axel is month younger than Chiro.

Axel: as if, you wouldn't leave unless you were pranking someone again. 

Chiro's mind: I forgot about that. 

Chiro: I didn't. Edward was with me the whole time. 

Axel: so where is EDWARD. he said in a scary tone, but Chiro didn't flinch or make a face. 

but inside he was scared. welp you gotta get used to tho-.

Edward: hello Young masters. *bows* as requested sweets. 

Axel perked up his ears when he heard sweets, Chiro knew Axel could NEVER resist sweets. so Axel looked at Edward because he was 2nd highly trusted butler to Axel. Edward nodded, reassuring him that there's nothing in it. 

Axel: thank you Chiro, this is the first time you requested it. 

*Flash back* 

Chiro: I need you to buy sweets near here, be back fast. 

Edward: as you wish Chiro. 

Edward's mind: that was odd. 

*Flashback end*

Chiro: no problem. so what brings you here? 

Axel: oh I forgot about that. The King will be visiting here by next week, so you better be on your best behavior and outfit. 

Chiro; oh, ok is that all? 

Axel: oh and- 

Chiro: yes?

Axel: where did Edward buy these sweets. he said as he ate 5 candies already. 

Chiro: there at the nearest candy shop here. 

Axel: thanks! bye bye. 

As Axel left Chiro then collapsed all he remembered was Edward saying-

Edward: YOUNG MASTER.....

The Next day Chiro was still unconscious, the Guards, butlers and maids didn't notice including Edward that there was someone creeping around the mansion. 

???: Soon Chiro, you will die at my hands.  

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