Chapter 4

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Chiro felt as if someone had an intent on killing him on the spot, but his 'spider' senses were tingling, he managed to dodge the strike. 


Chiro: who are you and what are you doing in my room! 

Edward then came in 

Edward: young master. 

The mysterious man was about to stab him in the chest, not before Edward used his skills on him. then he was pinned down. Chiro went towards him and took of his mask. 

Chiro: who sent you! 

???: me? I should tell you, you're dead for messing with my family. 

Chiro: what are you- 

Chiro got a playback of one of the previous memories of the real Chiro. The previous Chiro bullied and stole from everyone who he despise. 

Chiro: look if you can give me time to explai- 

???: why would you explain!? you took everything from me and you didn't let us have a chance to ask why! he said as he started crying. what did we even do to you? 

Edward pitied the man 

Chiro: I promise to make this right I won't do anything bad and steal from others, that is a promise I will not break for the rest of my life. 

Edward then took the man away 

Chiro's mind: I forgot about everything past Chiro did in the past to people. But I feel bad for them and I wouldn't break a single promise back when I was still alive in my world. *sigh* 

He was exhausted (well I can't really tell tho) from what happened today. thoughts ran all over his mind. 

1 year later...

Chiro's mind: so all I know is that I have control of the whole village while the other sides is Axel's. from what I've learned Axel and Chiro have been rivals for a long time. 

Chiro: Edward!

Edward: yes Chiro? 

Chiro: can we look around the village first, I want to make some... renovations. 

Edward: as you wish. 

Later, Chiro was not expecting the bad condition of his side of control

Chiro then went down the carriage, and looked around. He then took out a piece of paper and designed the village to a great City.

Chiro's mind: this should do it. 

He then noticed that there are people who glares at him with a disgusted look. 

Chiro: I forgot They hate me. Edward let's go home. 


Chiro gathered builders from the mansion, and asked them to cooperate with this new strategy of his, which the builders find it off. but Chiro reassured they will get their pay and paradise once it is finished.  Chiro was filling out some papers and it looks like he needs the people's consent,

Chiro's mind: This is going to be tough. 

He prepared an announcement for all villagers

Chiro: I would want to ask you this one thing, Pls give me the consent to renovate this village. 

Villager 1: what makes you think we'll agree!? 

the villagers agreed, they were living a poor life thanks to him being the mayor. an arrogant, careless and Bastard child. well used to be. 

Chiro's mind: I knew it would come to this. 

Chiro: I will cancel the tac collecting payment. 

He ripped the tax collecting contract

Chiro: and once we start renovating the village I will provide you food and shelter for the time being, and I would like your help to building this City, farmers, mailman  and Guards will be hired, and will also be paid, agreed? 

the villagers were thinking deeply about it and they somehow agreed to the treaty he presented. See you soon Vertale City. 

(There is a feris wheel but that will come soon

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(There is a feris wheel but that will come soon. also only the lights and building will be seen but the technology there are still the medieval era) :)

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