Chapter 12

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Sorry for late chapter, and I'll write a longer chapter next time. 

Chiro's mind: cute. 

Ruvel: do I look o-okay?

Chiro: yes and I promise I won't hurt you. 

Ruvel is still insecure about his words, so to make him believe that he meant what he said he gave him a pendant. 

Ruvel: I-I can't possibly accept this young master!

Chiro: accept it as a token of friendship, I'm sure now you trust me. 

Ruvel: why would you take me, a slave out of nowhere and give me something valuable. 

Chiro: I believe you can become more than a slave, I want you to train under Edward. 

Edward was surprised by Chiro's words, him training a slave? interesting.

Chiro: you won't have a problem with that, right Edward.

Edward: yes, should you accept this offer Ruvel? or decline it and leave. 

Ruvel was in deep thought. there must be a reason why he picked him up from nowhere, then a thought popped up inside his head. 

Ruvel's mind: he must be expecting my help in the future!

Ruvel: I humbly accept this offer, thank you young master. 

he bowed but Chiro just laughed it off making him confused.

Chiro: please, call me Chiro from now on but not publicly. plus you're the same age as me right. 

Ruvel: right. 

The next day. . .

Chiro, Edward and Ruvel went around the City and were astonished by the products, quality and it's quantity. Chiro was taking down notes probably for his City. 

they were walking around when Chiro's eyes caught an artifact, and the old man was selling it at a very low price. he must be poor and in need of money. 

Chiro: what's this Edward?

Edward: that is Dimen, an object that can make anything into a stone-like thing. the original was lost in time and was never found, and it's now see as usage of statues of animals and also the corpses of emperors. 

Chiro's mind: E-EMPERORS!? from a non-living thing to a being that's about to die!? just how broken is this world?

Chiro: I'll buy it. 

 Poor man: r-really!? sorry for raising my voice young master but are you really going to buy this worthless artifact?

Chiro: it looks interesting, who knows maybe I can modify it or remodel it. 

Edward, Ruvel and poor man: Modify? 

Chiro: oh it's basically, I can make it more interesting. 

Edward: as expected of young master. 

Ruvel: cool. 

Chiro gave him 15 gold coins which was worth 10 times it's price. 

Poor man: thank you, young master! 

Chiro: no problem. 

now the final destination. The Academy. the trio stopped by in café's and shops, but only to see it's products and also bought some sweets. 

Chiro: hmm~ :) I am satisfied with just sweets. 

it seems that the Mc now is in a good mood today but little did they know trouble awaits them by the Academy's gates. 


Azura: can you pwease give me some sweets. 

Chiro: . . .

Azura: pwease. 

Chiro: trying to imitate a cute voice is a nightmare for me Azura, no offense but you sound worse than a baby's cry. 

Azura: hmph. 

Chiro: I'll give you sweets once we get back. 

Azura: Yay! 

That's all for now readers, I just got bored but I have more ideas now thanks to a show. 

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