Chapter 7

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Sorry I was missing As you can see I am alive and well. and don't worry I'm not dead, at least not yet, JK. 

Chiro was inside his room alone looking at the Azura sword 

Chiro: So mind explaining what are you?

Azura: oh I forgot to explain the rest of the details.  I was designed to fight alongside you Chiro, but my creator was unknown to me, but all I heard was that "fight alongside the hero and he will promise you your life" that what he said before I blacked out, but for some reason I felt a strong aura emanating from you. 

Chiro: so does that mean you got the wrong one? 

Azura: I don't know but I'll stick with you for a while till I find the hero. 

Chiro: but why me it could have been anyone. 

Azura: You're not just anyone, I've been monitoring you, you know. so I'll trust you. do you trust me as well? 

Chiro: if I don't have a choice then, happy to make you my acquaintance. 

Azura: me as well.  


Chiro went to the room where the assassin was being treated, there he saw that person staring outside the window 

Chiro: nice view huh. 

he was startled, and he got on his fighting pose 

Chiro: I'm sorry I startled you, and don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm just here to ask you a couple of questions and you're free to go. 

He calmed down a bit but his guard is still up 

???: fine. 

Chiro: first why did you attack me? 

???: I heard the Owner here is a kid and is now abusing his power, so I jumped in along with a few others but we were separated when we crossed the borders, but one thing kept us going, no matter what happens continue the mission. 

 Chiro: and this mission is to assassinate me? 

???: no it was to stop you. we'll we thought you were abusing them. 

Chiro: and second what is your name? 

???: Tojiro Zamaki, former commander now Assassin. after the war ended we were treated heroes at the end but as time passed by they begin to forget us and treat us like monsters, the founder created the society for retired soldiers, commanders and many more. but because of our old age most of us died, so we were sent to our last mission. which was to protect the weak and poor, from you. 

Chiro: so does that mean your mission ended? 

Tojiro: yes, I suppose. 

Chiro: How about you work for me.

Tojiro: working with an enemy!?

Chiro: I'm not your enemy anymore since you know my agenda, which is to help the people brighten up and live in a good environment. 

Tojiro: that sound good. 

Chiro: you will get paid and work here. you will be taken care of like the rest of the people. 

Tojiro: why are you doing this. 

Chiro: huh? 

Tojiro: aren't you supposed to punish me!? because I tried to assassinate you!

Chiro: does it really matter. 

Tojiro looked up and saw him smiling at him 

Chiro: it's in the past now, and you're punishment is to work with me until it's finished. 

He smiled, brightening up Tojiro

Tojiro: T-thank y-you. I will try my best. 

he said as tears flowed in his eyes 

Chiro then left the room smiling 

Edward: is everything okay young master? do I need to teach him a lesson? 

he said the last part scarily 

Chiro's mind: reminder never make Edward angry. 

Chiro: no, it's all good he mistaken me for thinking that I abused my power. nun 

Edward: so what happens to him now? 

Chiro: he works for us now, and once the City is done, he'll decide whether to stay or go. 

Edward: you know what young master. 

Chiro: hmmm? 

Edward: I think the path you're leading on will take us to a brighter future don't you think.

He smiled truly for the first time. 

 Chiro: Hai. 

The Ex-Villain who captured everyone's heartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora