Chapter 10

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Chiro then asked Edward to teach him how to fight, he reluctantly disagrees but he never gave up, he started begging  

He started to beg him everyday, to the point he finally accepted. Everyday Chiro would have to run 100 laps even though Edward said to run 5 laps. 

Chiro: *huff* *huff* are you sure this is needed?

Azura: yes, this will help your physical ability. 

Chiro: what about you?

Azura: me oh I'm training in my own realm. 

Chiro: when did you have a realm?

Azura: since the beginning of my creation. 

Edward: Master Chiro, someone has come to visit you. 

as they arrived at the living room there stood his brother. 

Axel: hello Chiro. 

Chiro: what are you doing here Axel?

Axel: I heard you went to the party. how did it go?

Chiro: it was great George was actually wanted a playmate since then, he tried to but his menacing aura got on the way. but somehow I managed to break his wall, and now he's clingy. 

Axel: I-I see. 

Chiro: anyways what are you doing here? weren't you suppose to attend your tutors studies?

Axel: well he's sick so no studying for today, besides I wanna see what you've done to the village. I was quite surprised that there was a camp. 

Chiro: the villagers will be staying there for the meantime, and everything is stabilized or I mean is going smoothly. 

Axel: *whispers* I see then can I stick around then if you don't mind. 

Chiro: sure!

Chiro's mind: he sure is cute when he's acting like a Tsundere.

Axel was just strolling around when he saw Chiro swinging his sword. 

Axel: what are you doing?

Chiro: training. 

Edward: Master Chiro asked me to train him. he kept on being targeted by assassination's recently. 

Axel: I see. 

Then Chiro accelerated his sword at the dummy and hit's it's chest.  

Axel: what technique was that? I haven't seen that before. 

Chiro: I just created it, it took me 2 whole weeks to master it. 

Edward: that was amazing Master Chiro. 

Axel: couldn't you have hired an private mentor?

Chiro: no, it would waste the money. it'll only be used for financial bills for the City to be built. 

Axel: so who's the leader?

Chiro: me of course. 

Axel:. . . . you're joking, right?

Edward: no he isn't young master Axel. he's the one that created the plan to be exact. 

Axel: WHAT!? wait but your- 

Chiro: a minor yes, that's why I had fa- the king to help me. 

Axel: ah I see. 

Chiro: anyways the sweets are being prepared at any time now. 

Axel: IT IS! I should go to um . . . 

Chiro: go on don't be shy, eat as many as you like. but don't eat too much. 

Axel: Thanks, Chiro! 

then he was out in a flash 

Edward: Chiro, there's a letter for you. 

Chiro: from who?

Edward: The Blazing Academy. 

Chiro: it's that time of year next year huh. 

Edward: yes, they sent you the uniform along with your needs. 

Chiro: you may leave. 

Dear Chiro, 

     from the Blazing Academy, we sincerely give you our greetings. we are impressed of your progress of your City, we would like you to attend our Academy of course, you will be in the higher grade since your knowledge is beyond our imagination. we formally welcome you to the academy. 

                                                                                                                    -Principal Havens 

Chiro: that was unexpected, in the higher levels? well the students there would just belittle me. 

Azura: yes they would, that's why training is needed. I haven't met many people like you Chiro, and I can already imagine you will make great marks in history. be strong and wise Chiro, one day you will meet your rival. 

Chiro: you've become more determined to train me Azura. anyway, what's with the get up? 

Azura: oh this? this is fashion. 

Chiro: did you just dip yourself in paint and you think it's fashion? pfft. 

Azura: in my prospect, it is. 

Chiro: what happened to training hard to capture him. 

Azura: I-I will, I just want to explore what has humankind created during my years of sleep. 

Chiro: yeah, like no one will freak out why there's a flying sword dipping itself in a bucket of paint. 

Azura: shut up!

Chiro: haha. meeting my rival huh. 

Sorry for the late update! have exams so I'll update on monday. thanks for being patient. 

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