The End of Normal Part 1

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*****WARNING: This story contains very graphic language and mature and often dark sexual content. If this is not for you please discontinue now. I hold no rights to the characters taken from Red Dead Redemption 2 nor the photos used within this story. Original Content******

"Get a county job," she said..."Great retirement,"...she said..."It will be worth it regardless of the atmosphere...." Sarah huffed and sat her head on her desk. Bored,,,boredom,,o bored,,I bored me bored. She thought to herself as she sighed face down on her desk. "Sarah?" "ahh" she startled upright busting her knee under the desk, a sheer look of pain in her face as red creeped up her throat. Derek, the director of IT, stood in front of her window, an amused look on his face. He'd almost be cute if she wasn't gunning to work for him. "I thought you were unconscious, " he said with a bright grin of mischief. She rubbed her throbbing knee under the table, "Ouchh no, just praying for Friday." She squenched one eye closed as her knee pulsated like a supernova.

He laughed his laid back way and jammed his thumb over his shoulder, "I'm hitting the coffee machine, you want me to bring you back one? And by the way, sorry I haven't called you back yet, budget time is busier than hell around here." "Your fine, thank you I'm good. Appreciate it though." She unscrewed her face and forced a smile. The light from her phone caught her eye and she glanced down to see her sister calling. She looked back up to him acting unphased and continued to smile as he gave her a "well don't fall out on us now. I'll call you tomorrow to discuss things with you." and started toward the drink machines down the hall.

She glanced around at her co-worker, "I'm gonna step outside for a minute. Be right back," she said while scooping up the cell phone. Sarah dashed from her tax department down the hall to the smoking area answering the phone as she scurried. She ducked out the door, "Hellowah? Geeze I'm back at work fail." "I know I'm sorreee. I need you to ask off for tomorrow." "ughhh whyyy. I'm gonna get in trouble if I keep missing..." " I knowwww I'm sorry. I need a favor pleeaaaaseeeeee (deep breath) eeeeeeeessssseee" "Wow no,, whattt?" Her twin gushed on, "I need you to be me tomorrow pleasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee" "What?! Nooo what are you talking about be you? Are you high?" " See what happened was..." "Noo" "just listen (pleading laughter)" "Uh nope, ner, not" " No seriously, I need you to just come in and sit at my desk till lunch. I double booked a zoom meeting and a meeting with Lance and he may kill me if I don't show up...and I'm hoping it's about the job"

Samantha had been working as Interim Director for the libraries since January. After 3months and a finalized budget, she was hoping to be hired permanently for the position and Lance, the county manager, was the one who could make that happen. "I can not just show up there tralala and no one not know its not you." "Yes you can!" NO I can't.." "Come on pleaseee, I would do it for you!" "Dude we so don't look that much alike anymore. People will be able to tell. Regardless, what would I tell Mark? Hi sorry, have to deceive another department for my sister today, won't be in till lunch. I mean what the fuhhh" "I swear if you do this for me I will owe you whatever. Come on sis It's important, it's my one chance.." Sarah closed her eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. Her sister's pleading was desperate, my life will end if you don't do this desperate. A tense moment of silence passed then Sarah let out an exasperated "Finnnnnne but you are gonna have to tell me what to do. And if we get caught.." " I know its all my fault gleeeeeeee." She shook her head rolling her eyes up to the heavens. Why the hell did she always let her twin drag her into shit like this...whyyyy. "I'll call you tonight I have to go." she said irritatedly. "OH Kay gleeee!" "No bye!" she said and pushed the button as her sister let out a byeeeeeeeee.

"Wakey Upy '' Sarah said as she laid her sister's clothes on the bed and sat the warm croissant on her bedside table. Samantha sat up hair hanging, a slight drool in the corner of her mouth, with a look of go die on her face. "You should really get up before I get here so you can, I don't know, actually watch the show." Samantha grunted and sat disoriented and grumpy. "Tired.." she barked out still not moving. "Welllll if you went to bed before 2 you wouldn't be." A hurumph echoed through the room and they both settled into their morning routine of The Arrow and breakfast. A few moments of comfortable silence passed as they chewed then finally coming to life Samantha said, "Ok do you know what to do this morning?" "Uh yeah no," Sarah promptly responded as she lit up her after breakfast smoke.

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