Blind Deception

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Warning: Indecent liberties, angst

"Wake up pretty pretty." Micha sing songed as he glanced around to be sure no one was watching. He leaned over to draw his tongue down the side of Sarah's neck to her shoulder. He stopped close to her ear whispering, "You taste like suga and spice sweetness." he eyed first her lips then traveled down to her slow breathing bosom, his sneer almost dripping with desire. "MICAH!" Dutch's voice boomed from outside the tent and he jumped and winced at the sound of it. "Comin Dutch!" he tossed over his shoulder then leaned down closer to kiss just atop her left breast and inhale the scent of her. "Ohhhh yesss. You gonna make me some kinda meal latah." he chuckled soft and low and put his wet lips to the broken clavicle sucking gently like he was cleaning a bone of a meal then stood, smirked, and walked out to meet Dutch. Sarah's defenseless form continued to slumber, her own eyebrows furrowed much like Arthur's were just before he woke, as she too fought to escape the darkness.

Micha swaggered out towards Dutch, his lips still tasting the soft morsel of skin atop Sarah's breast. He smiled as he approached Dutch, smuggness and suckup ready to go in order to please his naive boss. "How are ya Dutch?" He swung his arms wide in greeting, self-satisfaction oozing off his person as he remembered last night's excursions. His thumbs hooked his weathered jeans, and he cocked his head looking down on Dutch. "Fine, just finnne." Dutch reported, a little prideful himself of what HIS gang had accomplished. Dutch fiddled with one of his rings, "She awake yet?" he asked almost nervously. Was he blushing slightly? Micah thought as he looked down on the outlaw. "Naaaa she's still sleeping likea baybee. Bet she wouldn't mind being woke up by you though, if ya know what I mean." He winked, smirked, and made like he was ribbing Dutch. Dutch's eyes grew stormy for a moment, "Not funny Mr. Bell. That there woman is a Lady and my Annabell, and she's to be treated as such." His eyes grew hard and cold as he stood to his full height towering over Micha like a giant. Micha waved his hands back n forth in a warding off gesture, "Oh I meant no offense Dutch, I just mean to say she's ready and waiting for her prince and lucky said prince iz you." He watched as Dutch visibly relaxed and felt his own frame relax as well. "Maybe I should go in and check on her. She should have started to wake by now.." He clasped his chin pondering the thought and Micah jumped at the chance to stroke his ego and be back in good graces. "Sure thinggg boss! I bet all she needs is a little encouragement from you and she'll perk right up!" He shown his dingy grill smiling in approval. "Well then, I'll get to it." Dutch smiled at the thought and then pointed a finger at Micha for a moment longer. "Now you be sure to keep those other yahoos away from that tent you hear. Yall go busy yourself finishing packing this place cause we gonna have to leave soon before they realize and come storming the camp for her. I'll be...indisposed for a bit though so we will leave at the top of the hour." He emphasized the word indisposed to get his point across then made up his mind to go to the tent. "Sure thing boss! We will be ready at the top of the hour for sure." Micha beamed agreeably till Dutch turned to leave. His smile wilted into a sneer, Annabell...was he losing his mind for real now? That girl was nowhere near being his Annabell, he for one should know. He was, after all, the one who had tipped off the O'Driscoll's to her whereabouts so many years ago back when they wanted revenge for Dutch killin Colm's brother. He'd bought the very hat on his head with the money he'd made, Dutch none the wiser and then broken enough by the mishap to let Micah slither into his life. Was this why he wanted the girl? Micah had thought it was to trap Arthur and John, or to keep a plaything around for the boys at the camp...but he acted like he was bout to set up a ranch or something and turn in a family way leaving the gang behind. Welllll now that wouldn't do,,,that wouldn't do at all. He sat glaring at the back of Dutch as he watched him slip into the tent. Noooo it would not do at all. He broke from his thoughts and turned towards the camp. "Ooook boys! Boss wants us scarce in an hour. Let's make the magic happen!" He clapped his hands and rubbed them together taking on the role of barking orders and watching all the others do the work.

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