Shimmer of Hope

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WARNING: Sexual/Phiscal abuse, angst, depression.  A/N The next several chapters are dark and often disturbing. They may have triggers for some so please again if you are not 18+ and  can not read dark material as such turn back now. Abuse is a real thing and can happen to us or the people we love. IF you need help or know anyone who does please contact or get help. Remember this is fiction but for some out there, abuse is very very real. Again Thank you for reading and remember, there is always hope.

The sun was barely peeking its head above the horizon when John and Samantha trotted up on the little picnic area Arthur had constructed on the bank at the river's end. He was just laying the sandwiches out on the blanket when John pulled his mount to a stop and clambered down off the horse, turning to help Samantha down behind him. He lifted her like she was nothing and sat her down in front of him, his hands lingering on her waist not wanting to let her go. She smiled up at him cheeks rosy, a look of adoration in her eyes. Arthur smirked at the two, then put his playful grumpy mask back on and barked in their direction. "You two gonna come eat before the flies settle? Or you just gonna stand there starin at each other while we all starve ta death. Thought Iz gonna ride back up and getchu?" Arthur lowered himself down to eat and smiled to himself as he heard Samantha chuckle behind him. The two walked over and joined Morgan on the blanket, Samantha's long skirt fanning out around her like miss muffet. "Ehh we decided just to ride down ourselves." John took his hat off and stuck it on a raised knee while scooping up the sammy and taking two monster bites out of it. Arthur chewed the egg sandwich slowly as he eyeballed Marston wolfing down his own. "You forget to eat for two days or somethin?" "Noo" John chewed snapping an objection towards Arthur. "I'm just building up strength iz all." Morgan let out a chuckle, "Heh strength for what?" John kept chewin and staring intently at Samantha as she took smaller bites looking back at him blushing slightly. "Oh.." he looked back n forth between the two. "Welll..ya better eat half of mine too then or the lady is just gonna be disappointed.." Samantha let out a Guffah and John struck out smacking Arthur on the shoulder. "Shuddup Arthur." John screwed his face up looking irritated at the older outlaw as Morgan laughed and continued to chew on his sandwich.

"  John screwed his face up looking irritated at the older outlaw as Morgan laughed and continued to chew on his sandwich

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Arthur sat looking out towards the river and past towards Mt. Hagen. Suddenly his smile faltered somewhat, his chew slowing as he noticed the fairy light again way off in the distance. He stared intently distracted now from the shared meal he was having. "Morgan!?" "Wha? What you say John?" "Where'd you go Arthur? She called your name three times. You stroking out on us old man?" "Pffff" he waved a dismissing hand towards John, still staring towards the mountain. "I'm just watchin the fairy lights, they back again over on Mt. Hagen." He nodded towards the flashing light in the distance. John had leaned in to nip at Samantha's ear and she was laughing and swatting him away. Her smile faded as she followed Arthur's line of sight. Marston went to nip at her again and she grew serious, "No stop John.." She stood and hooded her sight with one hand trying to see the light past the glare of the rising sun. Samantha sucked in a quick intake of breath, her eyes widening at what she was seeing. Now John's own smile fell as he looked at the concerned fearful look on her face. He looked at her, looked at the light, then back at her again starting to stand himself. "What Samantha? What is it?' "S...O...S...its..its morse code!" She turned to him now excited and grabbed at his shirt. "John! Its morse code!!"

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