Home of the Beast

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WARNING: Violence, Death

"Which do you wanna do Arthur? Go in guns blazing or sneak our way down and see what we can see?" The two men were hunched down just outside the cave entrance at Beaver Hollow. They had left Mt Hagen rushing towards the gang's old camp site finally arriving as the moon rose high in the sky above. There was a slight mist in the air and the woods around them were unnaturally silent. It was then that the silence was shattered by an ear-splitting scream. The two stood up at the sudden anguished filled cry from the mouth of the cave, both men rattled recognizing the voice to be none other than Sarah. They stood frozen for just one more second then raced to the cave entrance entering the dark tunnels below.

Sarah's scream turned into pitiful cries of pain as Micha peeled back the brand pulling her flesh away with it. He sneered and let out a maniacal laugh of triumph throwing the brand back and away over his shoulder and pulling her naked form to her feet. Thunder began to roll outside as clouds started to move back and forth past the hole in the ceiling casting shadows throughout the cave.

She felt sick from the immense pain in her arm and broken in defeat from her failed attempt to get away. He picked her up under her arms raking the table free of any items and slamming her down on the top, splintered wood scratching her beaten body from below. "YOU are gonna pay for that little bird." he spat, kicking the stew pot over and climbing on top of the table to straddle her once more. He took hold of both her wrists forcing them over her head and she cried out in a sob of pain again, his breath hot and close to her face as he crushed her newly seared flesh in his hand.

 He took hold of both her wrists forcing them over her head and she cried out in a sob of pain again, his breath hot and close to her face as he crushed her newly seared flesh in his hand

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The sound of Sarah's sob was even closer now as the two outlaw's ran in unison, guns pointing around each twist and turn going deeper into the cave. They looked at one another as they heard Micha's twisted laugh filter up followed by Sarah's pitiful cry of anguish. Arthur's face took on a full scowl of anger as he jumped down off a ledge following Marston not far in front. "YOU LEAVE HER ALONE! YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD!!" he yelled out, not caring if they snuck up on him or not at this point and continued to race down the corridors.

Micha's head snapped up looking towards the roar of the voice of Arthur Morgan and the thundering both above and from the pounding of the approaching outlaws' feet. He growled loudly in frustration picking up Sarah's body then slamming it one last time on the table pulling a loud cry from her as he scrambled to get down off her to the floor. He ran like the rat he was heading for the long levels of ladders that would lead him up and out of the cave to freedom above. Sarah lay dazed on the table, sure she felt blood starting to run down the back of her head from the violent slam to the tabletop. Her vision swayed trying to go dark when she heard John Marston's voice scream out from somewhere above. "MICHA!" Micha hoisted himself up on the first ledge starting his ascent just as the two boys rounded the corner. "WHERE IS HE!" John yelled searching the room as Arthur holstered his gun and ran to the table where Sarah was laying. "MICHA!" John screamed again, cocking the gun in his hand running further into the cave. Arthur reached to pull her up to him and she tried fighting him off, blinded by the blood dripping down her forehead. "MICHA COME OUT HERE!" John bellowed, running past the table to chase the evil man up the cave face, shooting rounds as he sped after him. Arthur gathered her weak fighting frame in his arms holding her to him as she fought. "It's me, baby it's me! I love you.." he held her face locking her eyes with his, "I love you.." realization and relief crossed her face as she fell into his arms weeping. "Shhhh I got you." John raised his gun to aim at the man who had helped destroy their lives more than once, he breathed out and fired, striking him 10ft up to watch him fall at his feet below. John finally lowered his weapon and started to walk slowly back over to the table where Arthur was starting to wrap his coat around Sarah's shoulders. Sarah stood shaking all over allowing him to drape the warmth around her nakedness when her one good eye suddenly grew big as a saucer. Almost in slow motion like out of a movie she screamed, "NOO!" and turned to grab the discarded brand Micha had tossed to the floor. She ran with it in hand to the place where Micha had started to rise again and began beating and slashing at Micha's head screaming her anger and anguish all the while. It happened so fast that the men stood in shock as she wailed on his now grown limp body, pouring out all her hurt and pain into dismantling the head of this now unmoving man who had hurt her so so much. Finally, she fell to her knees next to the bloody mess and sobbed in first anger then relief at realizing it was truly over. Morgan walk up behind her to slowly draw her up and into his arms, soothing her as the brand fell from her grasp to the floor. She stood in his arms sobbing as he rubbed circles on her back soothing her and reassuring her it was ok now. He gave a nod over her shoulder at John who promptly returned it then Arthur raised his arm up towards the hole in the ceiling firing a single flare into the air.

Samantha turned her headhelping Tilly down from the wagon to see the flare burst in the sky above. Itwas done she thought, a small sob of relief escaping her, Sarah was safe.

 Itwas done she thought, a small sob of relief escaping her, Sarah was safe

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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