Futile Protection

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*WARNING* Increased non consensual acts, depression, entrapment (told you it gets dark). Again 18+ please and turn back if this is a trigger for you or not something you can read.

"Haven't you finished that roof yet Marston?! You're slower than a sinner on Sunday ta church.." Arthur knocked the last nail in the stubborn small wooden porch he was completing.

"Oh Shut up Arthur!" John wiped the sweat from his brow and shoved the last roof arch shingle in place. The cabin was smaller than the one he'd built before. Three bedrooms and a large open living area. Then again, he didn't have Uncle nor Charles moving in...or his son. John walked over to the small overhang and let himself down to the ground. The two big men packed up the tools as the first sounds of thunder rolled in the distance. John looked at Arthur, real concern in his voice now. "You think she'll like it? Think it'll help?" Morgan looked at the ground with a shake of his head. "I..I don't know John...caint hurt I suppose. She needs her own space, somewhere she can breathe and collect her thoughts. So do I for that matter. She aint ever gonna get that on the res, there's just too many people there for that."

Yeahhhh I know

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Yeahhhh I know. She seems to just stare off, as if she's waiting for Sarah to come back home. I can't get her to let go of the idea that she's still alive...she insists she is. Says she feels it or some nonsense like that. I don't know Arthur, I just can't think of anything else I can do to help her.." The younger man lifted the tools and looked at Morgan, a desperate hopeless look masked across his face. Arthur raised a hand and put it on his shoulder. "I know John..I know" he said nodding in complete understanding knowing there really wasn't anything either one of them could do cept keep pressing on. Arthur himself was still grieving the loss of her, his Elle..his Sarah. He had started calling her by her real name in his head, something he noted John was doing now with Samantha in order to keep her grounded to him. It been three months now since the death of her sister, and while she was better than before, she was still heavily grief stricken. In a way her grief had allowed Arthur to come mostly to terms accepting Sarah was gone to help bring Samantha back from the precipice she stood on. The new cabin was his and John's newest idea for moving forward from the sheer grief of it. A new environment, a new start. They had decided to go south of the reservation, deep into Cumberland Forest. The name brought an odd spark to Sarah's eye when it was listed off with other places they could move, so John ran with it in hopes that it or anything related to it would bring some kind of peace.

"Ima go ahead down to the property line and catch us something for supper. I think we are ready if you want to get her in, get her comfortable. I believe the move will do her good." John nodded silently and threw the tools up and into the back of his old wagon. He swiped his brow again then peeled off the big yellowish brown work gloves and tossed them in as well.

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