Epilogue Part 1

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"Johnn!" "YES DEAR?!" "Would you bring in the sheets when you come!? "YES MY LOVE!" "OHH Whatever!" Samantha chuckled to herself, closing the screen door behind her as she entered back into the cabin. She sat the broom down she'd been sweeping the little porch with and walked into the kitchen where Sarah stood washing up the last plates and started to stir the roast she was cooking on the small pot belly stove in the corner. Samantha replaced the lid and walked over to the cabinet to take down some glasses for the four of them. "They back?" Sarah said swirling the dishrag around to clean the last plate. Samantha absently glanced at Sarah's wrist, the swirled brand now healed and faded, still a present reminder of the hell her sister had endured so many years ago. "Yessss they are back and as irritatin as ever. I think Morgan is sulking cause John's got a big dear over his shoulder and he doesn't." "mmmhmm" Sarah said smiling to herself. The four of them had come back to the cabin after the chaos of that night. It had taken more than six months for Sarah to even remotely return to some semblance of normal. With the Van Der Linde gang gone and disassembled, they had been able to start a real life together without fear of interruption or threat.

For the first few years Samantha and Sarah had searched for ways to get back home to no avail. The Indian chief had successfully forged a new arrowhead that was true, but they could never find a third of their bloodline to complete the circle of three they needed to cross back to the future. So, they had settled for storing the treasured arrowheads in a container in the closet and making a home with the two men they had both come to love. They figured since they were descendants of Elle, Abigail, and Anna, that they would have to have a third person from their bloodline to even start to make the portal work again. The chief had stated that the force of the three women's unrest in life had been the true power behind Arthur's ability to reach forward in time to find what would finally settle that unrest for good. Thus, the twins had come and filled the voids in the three men's lives that had been directly affected by the ancestor sisters of the past.

Sadie Adler had come through about two years after they had all settled and Arthur had asked her to keep an ear out for the sister's bloodline, but nothing had come from that either

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Sadie Adler had come through about two years after they had all settled and Arthur had asked her to keep an ear out for the sister's bloodline, but nothing had come from that either. So, the twins had made peace with the fact that this was their home now and settled in for a life with the boys.

Sarah dried off the plates and set the table for four. The door banged open and Arthur walked in, two geese hanging by their necks in his hand. He held um up proudly showing them off to Sarah as he stood muddied boots and all beaming at the door.

"Nope! No uhhmmm." Sarah walked over to the door shooing him back outside, his smile withering on his face. "Whaaat?" "Arthur Morgan, I just mopped that floor...take those birds and hang um in the shed and take those boots and leave um on the porch and.." He dropped the birds to the side and stopped her nagging, claiming her lips on the little porch. Samantha chuckled watching them, taking up the rest of setting the table for her sister. Sarah stopped mid-sentence then relaxed into his kiss, his big arms coming to circle around her. He finished the kiss and leaned back still holding her to smile down under his hat at her short frame. "I love you woman but you surre do complain." She hit at him playfully then leaned into him again. His love in her life was something she would never stop being grateful for, it had saved her pure and simple. He squz her to him then kissed her forehead. "Ok wife, let me go get cleaned up and I'll be in ina minute." "Ok..hurry up fore it gets cold." "Ok" he reached and swatted her behind, chuckling at her scalding look as he picked up the geese and walked out to the shed. John passed him in the yard from hanging the deer and stuck his tongue out at Arthur like a five year old. Morgan rewarded him with a harder than needed slug to the shoulder and he faltered laughing on his way up to the porch. John walked in, rubbing his shoulder from Arthur's love tap, and came up behind Samantha wrapping his arms around her from behind, assaulting her neck in kisses. "Stopppp," she shrugged to try and get him off. "I'm tryin to finish supper John." He ducked her shrug and held her still from behind. "And I'm tryin to eat supper." he said playfully nipping and poking at her. She turned batting at him, and he held his hands up laughing and defending himself. "Ok ok woman! Geeze, caint a man love on his wife every now and then?" "Yall get a room." Sarah chirped from the door wiping the last of the mud up from Arthur's soiled boots.

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