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WARNING: Angst, Violence, Sexual non-consent

It was late noon, but storm clouds overcast the top of the mountainside. It appeared almost dusk to the untrained eye as the trio continued to climb towards their destination. The journey to the top of Mt Hagen was easily a day and a half, two days if you counted sleep. They were tired and cold, and starting to run out of supplies when they crested an overhang that jutted just over a campsite settled below. A look out lay sleeping near a warm little fire and John recognized him to be Javier from the gang. Arthur threw an arm out to stop Samantha's ascent and held a finger to his lips nodding in Javier's sleeping form's direction. John pointed to himself then the sleeping man and Morgan nodded for him to go ahead, still holding a protective arm in front of Samantha's crouched body. John crept over to the sleeping man raising his pistol high behind his head and brought it crashing down to knock the Mexican outlaw into a state of permanent unconsciousness.

A trickle of blood dripped down his forehead as John hoisted him under his arms and dragged him away from the little outpost to dump in the nearby foliage. He let Javier's body slump in the tall grass, his sad eyes looking down on his once but now misled friend. Marston crept back to Arthur satisfied with his work. "Ok." he whispered, "Now let's get a view of that campsite." The three of them slinked over to the cliff edge dropping to their bellies to look down on the new location of Dutch's gang. Arthur brought his binoculars up to spy on the going ons down below them.

"I see three of um," he squinted trying to make out the men below

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I see three of um," he squinted trying to make out the men below. "Looks like Bill, Cleet, and Joe but no Micha, no Dutch.." John reached his hand out to take the scope himself and look.

"Yeahhh I see um...looks like a woman in the distance too. Karen or Ms Grimshaw maybe? Hard to tell.." he removed the spy glasses from his eyes and handed them back over to Arthur to replace in his satchel. "She's not down there." A male voice spoke off to the side causing the swift click of four pistols aimed at the shadows head instantly from the outlaws as that turned instinctively reacting together as one. The big shadow lumbered out of the nearby woods; his hands raised above his shoulders in surrender to the four lethal weapons trained on him. He stepped into the firelight and both men relaxed while still holding him at gunpoint. "Pearson?" Arthur asked, confirming who he thought he saw standing before them. "Hi Arthur, good to see ya again, all beit terrible circumstances as these." The two men slowly stood, guns still pointing at the man's head, John absently reaching to pull Samantha up and behind him protectively. "Pearson.." John said flatly in a hello trying to gauge if the man planned to attack them. " You can put those away, I mean yall no harm. Matter a fact, I'm on my way to get outa this place. Camp's gone to hell in a handbasket and I'm not sticking round no longer to watch it fall completely into ruin." The two outlaws exchanged a look and Morgan nodded at John as he reholsterd his pistols, John following suit slowly beside him.

"You said she's not here." Arthur dipped his head towards Pearson, "Whatchoo mean by that?" Pearson took a step closer to the men and stopped watching them go rigid with his advance and began to speak. "That girl of yours, the one Dutch took. She's not here. Dutch said he woke a few days ago and found her gone. Only things left behind were his boots in the snow near the outhouse and some shattered mirror pieces all over the ground." Samantha's intake of breath said what the two men themselves were thinking. Sarah was alive, she wasn't dead, and it had been her light reflecting that they had all seen. Arthur took three strides towards the heavy-set cook and got up in his face, his growl filled with barely bridled anger and fury regardless of its whisper. "Well where the hell is she then..?" Morgan stood inches away from Pearson causing him to turn his head and shut his eyes in startled fear.

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