Waiting on a Savior

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WARNING: mmm Micha a bastard violence, non-consent sexual scenes, suicidal thoughts

The hooves of the horses thundered at full speed as Morgan, Marston, and Samantha climbed the winding inclined road that led up to Mt Hagen. The altitude began to thin, and patches of snow started to dot the countryside as they continued to wind and twist up the mountain road, Samantha beginning to shiver at the increasing cold. "Arthur!" Marston shouted trying to gain his friends' attention. He kept racing up the mountain not hearing him. "ARTHUR!" he yelled again to no avail, his eyebrows knitting together in frustration and anger at the blind abandonment the older outlaw was having. John struck the reins hard pushing his big horse to catch up with Arthur's smaller stead. He finally came up beside him dangerously near to the edge of the road's cliff edge. "MORGAN!!" he yelled attempting to reach out and knock Arthur in the arm to gain his attention. The motion caused Morgan to jump steering the horse towards the rocks. It bucked and reared up on its back legs neighing in anger at the swift change of pace.

"What the hell are you doin!" he yelled angrily at John not understanding his actions as he struggled to regain control of his mount. He circled it around and brought it back down to a calm stand still on the path. Morgan glared at John till he saw Samantha shivering on the back of his horse. "You trying to freeze us to death before we ever get there?!" Morgan let out a sigh shaking his head, his breath white steam puffing from his mouth. "IIIm sorry John.." Arthur reached down in his large duffle rolled on the back of the horse and produced his thick blue coat, his long black duster, and a short brown leather jacket with flannel lining. He plunged his own arms into the long black duster and put on his black riding gloves then handed the two other coats over to John. John slipped the brown jacket on quickly, then turned on his horse to wrap Samantha up tight in the big thick blue winter coat. He cinched it tight around her and pulled her to him to place a gentle kiss on her chattering lips. "That better sweetheart?" He held her there a moment till she nodded like a little girl at him then turned in the saddle once more. John turned his face to talk over his shoulder at the top of Samantha's head which was leaning against him. "Hold on tight now honey, it's gonna be a rough ride from here up." She scooched closer wrapping her arms around his waist under his coat and buried her face down behind the thick collar of Arthur's blue coat. John turned back to Arthur, "Ok you impatient sonbitch, let's go!" and he cracked his reins again to start moving. Morgan adjusted his hat on his head, his black duster now flying out behind him.

 Morgan adjusted his hat on his head, his black duster now flying out behind him

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The climb to the top of Mt Hagen would take them almost a day and a half. The temperatures reaching in the negatives at night, even in the early days of Spring. They would have to camp Morgan thought to himself, cussing the very air he breathed. Every minute they took getting to the top was another minute she could be hurt or suffering. Visions of all the things they might be doing to her danced through Arthur's head again, driving him to edged anger and constant worry. Finally, after hours of riding they, crested a plateau near the top of the mountain, its dusty snow while dripping was still blowing around with the bitter wind. "We'll set up camp here for the night." "NO we can't stop!.." came Samantha's immediate retort. John slowed the horse to a stop and turned to look at her. He'd already shifted her once from in front to behind him knowing the long ride on horseback double had to be a discomfort. Even so, she was persistent on moving forward. She met him with defiance and a mixture of sorrow and anxiety in her eyes. He reached up to sooth her cupping her cheek in his palm, slender fingers caressing her gently. "Samantha baby, we have to let the horse's rest. They caint keep going at this pace or they'll fall down before we reach the top. We all need rest in fact. Some food, water, and sleep will do all of us a bit of good." He titled his head willing her to understand and she broke under his gaze. "ok" she said in a small voice, "But not for long..ok?" He stroked her cheek with his thumb, "No mam, not for long" and she seemed to relax to his touch. He and Arthur swung off the horses and John reached up to gather her and help her down to the ground. They tied both mounts to nearby trees and set to making camp for the night. The three of them piled up inside Arthur's small tent, the two men sandwiching Samantha in between them to keep her warm. Morgan pulled the two thick furs over them and sat his hat near the makeshift bedroll pillow he'd spread at the back of the tent for them all to lay their heads on. Samantha snuggled backwards into Marston, his long arms wrapping around her and pulling her to him. Arthur settled in front of her and she pulled him a little unwillingly backwards to come in close to the pair of them. He seemed to tense for a moment at her touch. "Oh hush now Arthur, it feels like 30 degrees below outside. I think one night of cuddlin even you can handle so we don't freeze to death." He looked over his shoulder with a slight chuckle. "Ok Miss bossy." he scrooched back against her feeling the heat from her start to warm his back. "This ok?" he said sorta sheepishly and heard her answer yes and Marston grumble with a little jealousy causing him to smile. He liked poking at the boy; he always made it so easy. The three of them hunkered down and snuggled in for the night absorbing each other's body heat to stay warm. Arthur stared at the side of the tent as he lay there for just a little longer. Tomorrow, they would make it to where the flashing light had been. His eyes squinted to slits, the anger returning in a slow burn. Tomorrow,,,someone was gonna die.

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