Full Moon Rising

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Warning: Angst, Light Smut, Violence

A/N: This is where the story starts to take quite a dark turn. If under the age of 18 or you have triggers resulting from violent sexual themes, dark violence, or smut please discontinue now. Again I own no rights to any Red Dead Redemption Characters, or pictures used within this story. Hold on now, here we go...

Sarah let out another quip from the shoulder of Arthur as he carried her towards the entrance of the TeePee once more. "Put me down! I need to talk to my sister!" "Nope" he said, slightly ducking the opening as he listened to the trail of obscenities Samantha was spilling forth in Marston's ear behind him. Morgan carried her over and sat her down gently on the cot being sure not to drop her. "What do ya mean Nope!? I have to find out how she got here! How she found me!! How to get.." Arthur leaned in, pressing hard against her lips stopping her words dead. She startled, her reaction to jerk back but his hands came up to hold her in place as he deepened the kiss to stop her fussing. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her small hands around the wrists attached to either side of her face. She felt lightning shoot through her from her head to her toes as her body reacted to his touch. It wasn't until she relaxed that he let loose of her lips and whispered a shhhh, warm and slow just a breath away from her mouth.

He kept one big hand cupping her face, his thumb moving soothing strokes across her cheek to calm her. Sarah took in a deep breath and let it out. "You haveta calm down now darlin and we can talk bout this thing." She nodded almost childlike, fear and reservation of doubt crossing through her eyes. "Like I was saying before we were so wildly interrupted by your sibling, some of the things I have to tell ya you aint gonna like." "Just tell me what's happening pleaseee," she begged softly. And so he did. He told the rest of the story of the fire and how it had gouged a gap between him and Marston. How years had passed and how both men had tried to get past the loss of their wives unsuccessfully. He went on to talk of how Dutch had tried to use the Wapiti Indians as his own personal army resulting in the eventual injury of the chief's son Eagle Flies. Rains falls had always felt indebted to Arthur for his help in saving his son. He had bestowed to him an Owl Feather trinket that increased his stamina, aim, even his life span. The chief had also requested Arthur's help in recovering the tribes Chanunpa, a spiritual pipe they used in ceremony that was said to bridge the gap between the tribe and the Great Spirit or Great Mystery.

 The chief had also requested Arthur's help in recovering the tribes Chanunpa, a spiritual pipe they used in ceremony that was said to bridge the gap between the tribe and the Great Spirit or Great Mystery

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It was from this very pipe that the Indian chief had taken a precious arrowhead and forged the necklace Arthur had used in order to time travel to 2022. It seemed that his attempt to go back in time had failed, the chief thinking that this was because The Great Spirit would not permit what had already happened to be changed. But to go forward now, that was something different. And so, he had used a lock of hair Elle had tied in a ribbon for him and put in a trinket box to keep in order to home in on her bloodline. "And then I just jumped, horse and all through the hole that appeared under a blood red moon. It was night here but broad daylight there for some reason, but I came through and found myself standing in the middle of a strange road. The necklace vibrated against my skin ya see. Closer I got ta ya the more it reacted. Led me right up to your door, was the damnedest thing I'd ever seen. I burst in there like a crazy person I'm guessing it seemed, but then I saw ya...beautiful as the first days id laid eyes on ya. But there was no time, no time to talk, no time to explain. Chief had said I'd have about four or five minutes, so I had ta getcha and get back fast." It still didn't explain how Samantha got here or how they'd get back home, but least now she knew how he had gotten to her time. He had been looking down at the cot plucking at an invisible string until now. He looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "So ya see Elle, I couldn't leave ya, not again, not this time. Even if you aren't the real Elle, she's in you somewhere..." He leaned forward surprising her and nestled into the crook of her neck inhaling and whispering, " ..ya even smell like her." He breathed deeply the scent of her filling his nostrils. His breath was hot on her skin, his love for her almost palpable. She'd been so lonely for so long that his touch was welcomed, stranger or not. But she felt like she'd known him forever, as if they were connected somehow on a spiritual level. It was that same spiritual upbringing that led her to say what she said next. She leaned in to whisper in his ear, "You said...you said we were married right?" she felt him nod now starting to kiss the delicate skin just under his lips at her neckline. She closed her eyes savoring the soft gentle pecks slowly moving from neck to collar bone. Sarah let out a little breath as her body started to warm to his touch. "So..(he kissed her neck")..you would say..(he kissed her jawline)..that we would really be married in the eyes of God?" He kissed the corner of her mouth and paused to look into her eyes. "Yes darlin, I'm your husband both here and cordin to God." That's all she needed to be ok, to give herself over. She met his lips with a new passion. So long, sooo long she'd been alone. Sure, there had been a moment here and there of satisfaction from someone. But never a feeling of love and safety or support that a husband should have provided.

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