Chapter 10: Perfect

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Author's Note!

My own caregiver hates My Chemical Romance so much , because I just recently bought a My Chemical Romance t shirt from Hot Topic , and she had to research who the band is and the lead singer of it .

I had to tell her ( and my brother , who liked the shirt ) that MCR rocks and that Gerard Way is a major hottie ( I was making a reference to My Immortal , the infamous Harry Potter fanfiction , she got angry with me about that ) , and she got so angry with me that she had to look up who the band is and who Gerard Way is .

She claimed the band makes satanic and scary music and she said Gerard is so ugly because he is pale and he is an alien , as she would always call white people that .

She also believed that because of all of the TikToks she had to see regarding Gerard and MCR , I shouldn 't listen to My Chemical Romance 's music anymore , because she found it evil and scary , and she thinks their music sends spirits into my home .

I was like , really , what the fuck ?????

She hated my MCR t shirt and she wanted to find a way to burn it off , all because she believes MCR are satanists and that Gerard is ugly and looks like he 's gay and also said he looks like a dead zombie in most of their music videos .

She even had the nerves to say that My Chemical Romance is music my dad would like . My father was a big fan of Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles ' music , what the fuck is she even saying ?????

She even compared Gerard to my father , I fucking can 't stand her when she compares me to my father so much !!!!!

I felt so depressed last night .

My caregiver didn 't even do that much good research about My Chemical Romance and who they all are . She just sees them as a band who makes satanic music .

I told her MCR isn 't that kind of band !

She got super angry , recognising all of the symbolism behind the t shirt I bought from Hot Topic , and she saw how scary it was and how demonic it looked .

I told her that this shirt is from the Black Parade era , and she doesn 't even care . She doesn 't know jack shit about the band , if she 's going to criticise my favourite kind of music .

My Chemical Romance teaches people how to be yourself and how to respect your own manners . That 's what their biggest goal is , to save people and save people 's lives .

After I told her that , she got mad at me , saying it 's something the pedophiles and human traffickers would say to you if you met them . Why the fuck is she comparing MCR to pedophiles and human traffickers ?????

My own caregiver is just getting on my nerves now . Now I can 't listen to My Chemical Romance 's music anymore , because it sends spirits and dead souls to my home ?????

My own caregiver doesn 't know any mortals about everything I love . She 's just a big conspiracy theorist , for sure , though !!!!! 

Chapter 10 is here !!!!! Let 's enjoy chapter 10 of My Name is Jeff , shall we ????? And here we go !!!!! 

Jeff kicked at stones on the ground as he walked after putting a grenade on top of his house, furious. He was furious at how Pierre Bouvier stole his limelight. He was furious at him, for saying the things he'd said. But mostly, he was furious at himself. He convinced his friends not to trust Pierre or any of the other male singers in Canada.

Jeff ignored the obvious warning signs on the streets that it was a sketchy place. Every male singer from his hometown of Montréal, Québec, had been a horrible friend. And now, here he was, walking away from his problems, because he simply couldn't face them on his own.

My Name is JeffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora