Chapter 17

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Author's Note! 

Bad news , everybody !!!!! 

I didn 't buy a Jeff Stinco poster . 

This happened when I had a conversation with my caregiver and my brother , in which I told them about the time I once woke up in my morning to eat my mangoes and then Simple Plan suddenly starts playing on the Roku channel . 

During the conversation , I asked them about how much I love Jeff Stinco and they told me no . 

They said that I couldn 't buy a poster of Jeff , because he was some "grown ass white man" who my caregiver didn 't like , and she hated him . 

My caregiver called Jeff an alien , because he was white . 

She also doesn 't like it when I consider myself a fangirl for Jeff Stinco . 

My caregiver hated Jeff so much , that she went ahead and instantly called him and compared him to my father . 

I started crying as she brought him up . 

Why the fuck is she comparing Jeff to my father all of a sudden ????? 

She did this with Gerard Way and My Chemical Romance , now she 's doing it to Jeff Stinco :( 

It sucks when your caregiver hated the people that you like , that it makes you extremely forbidden to like them . 

I even told them that Jeff is a good person and that he isn 't as horrible as R. Kelly . 

My caregiver and my brother didn 't care . 

They even went off the rails and super off topic into other stuff that isn 't true , like saying aliens are white people who are super pale and some stuff about slavery .

Like none of that stuff they 're talking about has nothing to do with Jeff Stinco . 

They also went into horrible detail about how the people who I like are really secretly human traffickers . 

I was like , why is they talking about this stuff when there are a lot of girls out there who puts posters up of their favourite male idols ????? 

Why can 't I have a poster of Jeff Stinco on my walls , even if my caregiver hates him ????? 

She kept forgetting what his name is , and what is he known for , and kept on comparing Jeff to my father , I started crying so much , like why is this woman so violent to me all of a sudden ????? 

Why is she cussing him out and saying bad things about him that aren 't true , and just why ????? 

I am still very much emo right now . 

Ann Marie Thomas , I wished you weren 't my caregiver . 

You don 't know how much Jeff Stinco impacted my life . 

His music and his angelic voice gives me motivation for my life . 

That man hosts over 100,000 restaurants in Canada and he donated his guitar to his high school and you had the nerves to compare him to my father and call him an alien , saying that I shouldn 't be obsessed over him because he is grown and he is white ????? 

You are one worthless lady . 

I hope you get burned to flames soon . 

Jeff Stinco is still iconic no matter what , because I will still fangirl for him forever , until he finally gets his singing career back . 

I should be able to have a poster of him in my walls , I don 't fucking care about him being grown , I still want him on my walls , just to fangirl for him and how cute and sexy he is !!!!! 

You don 't even care about my epilepsy or my years worth of hard work exposing pedophiles . 

You just hate me so fucking much and I wish I can get away from you . 

Please stop calling Jeff out when he did nothing to you to deserve this conservation , and please stop criticising him over things that aren 't true . 

Jeff Stinco is not a bad guy , he is really sweet to his own fans , and he loves them . 

What if you said those same things to him if you meet him for the first time in real life , try saying those things to him , he will give you the stink eye . 

Also , I don 't want Britney Spears to be remembered as the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood premiere girl , you know ????? 

The only reason why I recorded those videos of me having a panic attack as I see pictures of Britney at the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood premiere on my Nintendo 2ds is because I am trying to spread awareness , and you don 't even give a shit about my epilepsy at all , lady !!!!! 

I am done with Ann Marie Thomas being my caregiver . 

I am done with my brother . 

Please just let this be the time where I finally get free from my caregiver 's control over my life for once ????? 

Caregivers suck !!!!! 

Major thankies for reading this author 's note . 

Chapter 17 is coming very soon to Wattpad , Archive of Our Own , and FanFiction.Net ..... 

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