Chapter 27

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Ann Marie Thomas is making me even more depressed and stressed out thanks to her abusive efforts !!!!!

I just saw a video from Keelvin ( who I am yet to expose soon ) come on to my recommendations on my TV , and I instantly yelled at my TV , demanding YouTube to stop recommending me from people like Keelvin , Quinton Reviews , Hugo Henderson , and Eddy Burback !!!!!

I was telling them off , saying I want Jeff Stinco videos to be on my recommendations more than those scary ass men with beards , who might be pedophiles in real life !!!!!

Ann just straight up yelled at me and called me a bitch once again , and she revealed herself to be a hater of Jeff Stinco , labeling him out as a "racist ass white man" and even deemed him to be so ugly !!!!!

I fucking can 't deal with Ann Marie Thomas anymore !!!!!

I need to figure out a way to get out of America and into the UK , because my relationship with her is getting way more and more worse over time !!!!!

I can 't deal with her cussing out Jeff for stuff he would never do in his life and I can 't believe she had the nerves to say that Jeff is racist ?????

Racist for what ?????

Jeff Stinco would never make fun of black people , Asian people , Hispanic people , or any other people of colour !!!!!

Jeff respects anybody of all colours , he is a really nice person , and Ann had the fucking urge to go ahead and say I shouldn 't be liking him because he is a "grown white nasty ass man" and that I shouldn 't be thinking about any grown men or grown people at all !!!!!

Ann doesn 't like the fact that I love Jeff so much and she is a jealous hater !!!!!

A jealous hater who I need to get away from soon !!!!!

This is unbelievable and I don 't want to live with her anymore !!!!!

Ann Marie Thomas , you have proved yourself wrong , sweetheart .

You are one of the most disrespectful individuals I have ever met in my life , next to Richhouse Reviews , Anglo Zoomer , JAYBuildz , and rickysofire .

I hope one day , I can finally see my sisters once again , and get away from toxic people like you !!!!!

The fact you hate Jeff so much by forgetting what his name is , comparing him to my father , and saying real bad stuff about him , when in reality , Jeff is nowhere compared to my father and he is way more better than you can ever be , you lady !!!!!

Jeff Stinco is a king .

Jeff Stinco is a icon .

Jeff Stinco is a beautiful piece of art .

You are not .

Please don 't read this and please go away from my life forever .

You will never be in the same level as Jeff Stinco as his pinky toe will beat you up faster than him whacking his guitar at you .

I am depressed .

I give up writing this fanfiction !!!!!

I can 't deal with Ann Marie Thomas anymore , I am done with her !!!!!

Chapter 27 coming soon maybe ?????

I don 't wanna do this anymore , I give up ..... to anybody who is reading this , give me some resources on how to heal myself after having a panic attack and asthma attack all at the same time !!!!!!

I am done trying to do this !!!!!

Major thankies for your consideration reading My Name is Jeff and I am out !!!!!

See you soon !!!!!

Later , haters . 

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