Chapter 24

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Even more bad things happening to me . 

Ann Marie Thomas ..... 

called me a retarded bitch today . 

I am having it enough of this lady and her cussing me out . 

I am done with her right now . 

I need to move out of Milwaukee , Wisconsin , to be in Micronesia again . 

Today , she was being very disrespectful to me and I am now getting extreme PTSD from her abusing me . 

Ann is treating me like an abusive boyfriend , and we have gotten into an argument . 

She doesn 't remember who Kyle Lai-Fatt and Jeff Stinco is , doesn 't remember their names , and she instantly called them out , said they 're pedophiles , and compared them to my father . 

Ann hates Kyle and Jeff so much , that she doesn 't like the fact that they are grown people . 

Why the fuck is she so disrespectful and abusive to me so much ????? 

This is all because I told her she would 've been more cooler than them and Britney Spears too . 

My own caregiver has found a way to kill me and I am done with her . 

She is just like Richhouse Reviews , a disrespectful black person hating on somebody who 's epileptic and suffers from panic attacks and asthma attacks . 

She 's a female Richhouse Reviews , for sure though !!!!! 

I am going to do my best to get away from her , if she finds a way to kill me , I am done !!!!! 

She is going to kill me over the fact that I like Jeff Stinco , I like Britney Spears , and I like Kyle Lai-Fatt . 

She is also finding a way to ruin my life even worser , and I am done with her !!!!! 

I need to be with my triplet sisters again , and all of my other sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews and my other family again !!!!! 

Ann Marie Thomas will never be as cooler than Jeff Stinco , and that is on point 100% in !!!!! 

I am done with her , I am tired of her threatening and harassing me , I am tired !!!!! 

This is why I eat toilet paper at night . 

This is why I can 't live a happier life by myself . 

This is all because of Ann Marie Thomas and my brother , Javontye . 

They are treating me so dirty and they will find a way to kill me , no matter how many times she had to call me a bitch !!!!! 

I don 't want to live with her anymore !!!!! 

I don 't want to sleep next to her anymore !!!!! 

I need my freedom !!!!! 

My freedom being taken away from me , as soon as my caregiver came and stole it from me !!!!! 

I am going to become a free woman soon !!!!! 

What will happen if Ann puts me into a conservatorship , and she is going to silence me for saving Britney 's life and making sure that her name is no longer attached to those Once Upon a Time in Hollywood premiere photos of her anymore ????? 

I am nothing !!!!! 

I am nothing without my YouTube channel , I am nothing without my Twitter account , I am dead !!!!! 

Ann Marie Thomas fucking hates me so much , I want to get away from her !!!!! 

I am done with you , Ann Marie Thomas !!!!! 

You 're not my mom !!!!! 

You 're a rude lady , pretending to be my mom !!!!! 

And I am done with every single moment of you locking me out of my bedroom , and everything !!!!! 

This is my cry for help , and you just don 't know it !!!!! 

Fuck you !!!!! 

Hey Ann , this is a picture of you

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Hey Ann , this is a picture of you . 

Feel happy now ????? 

Feel happy you 're making fun of me now ????? 

Fuck you !!!!! 

Light a fire in my heart

I'm so quick to fall apart

Can I put myself together and

Just pick up the pieces?

Turned my life upside down

I keep falling to the ground

But this time I'll get up again

This won't be the end

I'm only broken


Not beaten 

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