Headcannons pt 5

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(Ty for getting me to almost 500 reads and 22 votes! It's nice to know that people like my writing and are willing to read, anyway onto the headcannon)


Their love language to you is.....


- I can see his love language being quality time and maybe physical touch

- As said in pt 4, he will bring you to random places

- He likes spending time with and getting to know you

- He likes hugs from you, so he gives you hugs as well

- He finds it interesting how he cam learn something new about you just by going for a walk or having a picnic


- Quality time and gifts (sometimes acts of service)

- She'll set up tea parties every now and then

- And take you to a place in the forest covered in flowers and bees

- You two will bake together and have some picnics with friends

- Sometimes she'll make you a gift

- Like a flower crown, or make you a surprise breakfast

- She really likes to pamper you with sweets and affection


- I can see her giving you gifts

- She can make you flower crowns or breakfast or even knit you a blanket

- She really likes your reaction

- She'll bring you with when she's invited to parties


- Definitely words of affirmation and acts of service

- He likes to build things that you need or like

- He surprises you with his builds and likes to see you smile

- When you're nervous or not feeling the best he'll tell everything's gonna be okay

- He would hug you but.... He can't cause he has no hands

- He will ask to hold your things even if your perfectly fine

- Very loveable


- I personally, can see physical touch as his love language, and quality time

- Making sweets with you is one of his favorite things

- But he likes have you close or holding you

- Quick kisses on the cheek or nose

- I could see him bringing you to a candy shop

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