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As Nina takes in the fresh air, Maggie shakes her head at Glenn, already knowing by the way he stands in front of the group what he's about to do. But it seems he doesn't heed her instructions and does it anyways based on the groups reactions.

"-barn is full of walkers." Is what the two of them are able to hear as the anticipation filled silence carry's the sound.

Nina's jaw drops, glancing from the corner of her eye to see Maggie watching her reaction. "Uh oh." Is the only thing Nina can form into words.

Maggie snorts and walks inside, still sour about Glenn. Nina bounces Daphne on her chest. Curiosity sparks a flame inside of her as it once more takes over and suddenly she's following the group to the barn.

She wouldn't put her daughter in danger, and she isn't, the barn seems stable and if the 'walkers' haven't gotten out on there own or caused a problem then there really isn't a reason to fuss.

Shane peeks through one of the cracks in the wooden barn, quickly he finds all the evidence he needs to snap and he walks back to Rick. "You cannot tell me you're alright wit' this." He argues, pushing past him.

"No, I'm not. But we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick reminds him, still trying to play peace maker between his hothead friend and the man already trying to get them to leave.

"Oh, god. This is our lives!" Shane exclaims.

Honestly Nina can see it from all sides. Shane doesn't want the walkers posing any kind of threat, Hershel still sees them as sick family members, and she just feels plain bad for Rick; poor guy has to put up with all of it. If Nina were in this position she would most likely either break down or hard core threaten Shane to back off.

"Lower your voice." Glenn scolds him, looking at her sleeping daughter and then back to the barn.

Daryl's eyes flicker to her and the baby. Daphne's securely held on her mothers chest, one hand supporting her neck and the other under her legs. To him Nina is a natural and she's doing a great job already- but he's not a creep, those are just things he's noticed from her walking around. Think of it as making sure the woman he brought back to the group is stable.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea inputs, agreeing with Shane but in a more calm manner. Nina can already see a rift being caused, some will follow Shane during this debacle and others will agree with the Grimes man.

It could also be the fact that something intimate definitely happened between Andrea and Shane that swayed her agreement. But that's just from what Nina noticed by looking around, she thinks of herself as the see'er of all.

"It ain't right. Not remotely." T-dog says, his hands fidgeting at his sides, ready to pull a gun on the barn if needed to protect the people he considers family.

"We've either got to go in there, we've gotta make things right, or we just go to go. Now he have been talking 'bout Fort Benning for a long time." Shane orders, confusing Nina with his tone of authority.

"We can't go."

"Why, Rick? Why?" He persists, his face showing irritation and anger while his eyes are cold towards his best friend.

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol tells him as if it weren't known to the group, speaking up for the first time. Nina's heart sinks, not having known that fact. How dare he speak that way as if Carol wasn't even there, talking about leaving while her daughter is out there alone.

"Okay-" He cuts himself off with a sigh, running his hands down his face. "Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility."

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