Part 2 of The Final Battle: No Way Back

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Chapter 2: A Nightmare Already Come True

(Mr. Grits' POV)


Our airship was taken all the way into space by aliens. Once, we escaped the glass prisons, we fought the aliens and ran to the airship. But we soon noticed that four of us were missing. "Guys? Where's Sandy?" Snowball asked. "Help!" A sudden shriek was heard behind a closed door. We turned that way to see Sandy, Poop, Ninja, and Mr. Pepperoni Man trapped behind the door. Pigeon said, "We have to get out of here, now. This is the only chance we have." "No! No one gets left behind." Jeff argued. "Yeah, Sandy's in there. The love of my life!" Snowball agreed. "But if we don't leave now, we'll never get another chance!" Star exclaimed. While we were arguing, somehow Peach figured out a way to disconnect the Airship with the spaceship. Soon, the Airship crashed back into Earth.

"Where are they?" Your Mom asked. "Gone," Snowball replied, devastated that Sandy and the others were still trapped with the aliens. "We'll find a way to rescue them. Don't worry, Snowball." Mrs. Darth Tater said. "Don't worry?!" I shouted. "We can't just not worry in a situation like this! Our friends are gone!" As soon as I finished my sentence, we heard a whooshing sound nearby. "What was that?" Iva asked. All of a sudden, laser beams blasted to the ground near us. Everyone yelped in surprise and rushed back inside the Airship.

"W-what are we going to do now?" Banana panted. "We have to move on. We have no other choice." Pigeon stated. "Potato salad." Peach agreed. "B-but, Sandy..." Snowball stuttered. The Airship rattled by the commotion outside. A million questions all buzzed in my head. What are we going to do? Will we rescue Sandy and the others? Will they survive? Will we survive? When are the aliens going to go away? What's even going on? "Guys, we have to get out of here." Star said. We all gaped at each other. Nothing like this happened to us at all. We usually stick together, as a group. But now, we lost four people and we might never get them back. As soon as we knew it, the airship took off. But a few of the aliens were aboard the ship. It was all like a dream, a nightmare rather. The aliens shot at us with their guns. I was terrified and so was everyone else. "Don't move." A deep voice ordered behind me. I jumped and whirled around. An alien was aiming its gun towards me. "I said, don't move. Or else," "Or else what?" I asked. This probably wasn't the best time to talk back to a disgusting alien but, I couldn't help it. They captured our friends for goodness sake. "Or else, this." I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I glanced down and saw a bloody hole in it. "Oh my god!" Your Mom shrieked. She knelt beside me, examining me. "Mr. Grits, no! I'm so sorry..." She apologized. "It's-" I began. "Move." The alien shoved Your Mom aside. "Hey!" She shouted. The alien had a vicious glint in its eyes and raised a sword.

"Time to die." "No!" Your Mom yelled. Next thing I knew, the sword was already at my feet. Then, my girlfriend screamed so loud, the whole Airship echoed it.

I woke up with sweaty hands. Sitting up in my bed, I thought, Huh. That was just a nightmare. Then I remembered what happened a while ago. More like a nightmare already true. "Mr. Grits?!" Someone shouted my name. I turned to my right just in time to see Your Mom peeking through the doorway. "I heard you scream. Are you alright?" "I screamed?" I asked. She nodded. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I-" "It's okay." My girlfriend interrupted and leaned next to me. "Did you have a nightmare?" She asked. I nodded. "What was it about?" "It was about what happened a couple months ago except I was slaughtered by an alien." "You were?" Your Mom was so close to me that I could feel her breath against me. "Yep."

I didn't even notice that I was shivering until she patted my head and whispered reassuringly, "You're going to be okay, Mr. Grits. Everyone will be here to protect you. You know, everybody's got each others' back type of thing?" I nodded again. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of something huge in the distance. I squinted my eyes (visor rather) to get a closer look. Moments later, I found out what it was.

Wait... is that a spaceship? It looks familiar, like the one our friends were captured from. I took one more look. Hold on, that is the ship that they were on! "Your Mom! I see the spaceship!" I yelped, leaping out of bed and running towards the window. "What? Where?" Your Mom asked. I pointed to the massive ship in the distance. Your Mom gasped. "You're right! Come on, we have to tell the others!" She bolted to the meeting room with me trailing after her.

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