Chapter 15: The Magic Library

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(Mr. Grits' POV)

"Ugh, where are we?" "Ow, my body." "What happened?" "Guys? Where is everyone?" "Let me try to see where we are." "Ow! Someone's stepping on my leg." "Sorry, it's too dark to see anything down here." "My stomach's rumbling. I need food." (Take a wild guess who said that) "We all do."

I heard a lot of voices around me, probably my crew complaining about what happened.

"Don't worry!" Another voice I couldn't recognize exclaimed. It sounded like an old man. "Who are you?" Chester asked. "Where are you?" I asked. "Right here." The old man said. Then I heard a match scrape against a wall somewhere and a small bright orange light appeared. By the light, the old man was revealed to be an old alien. Several gasps were heard around me. "An alien!" Banana shouted. "Stay back, you horrible-" "Guys, that's the wise alien we told you about!" Mr. Grits interrupted Jeff. "Oh, wait really?" Your Mom questioned. "Yes." The wise alien answered her. He strolled over to Mr. Grits, Mr. Pepperoni Man, Poop, Ninja, and Sandy. Then he frowned. "Oh, I see that some of my people took your powers away." "Yeah," Poop sighed. "It was fun while it lasted." Sandy said. "Well unfortunately I can't give you back those powers." The wise alien sighed. Then, he let go of the match and stomped on it to burn it out. He revealed the place that we fell in by using his own inner light. It looked like the Northern Lights, but just with one color, cyan. The place was a sewer. "We're in a sewer?" I questioned. "Eww... I hate sewers!" Chloe exclaimed. "Be quiet, Chloe. That doesn't really matter because of the situation we're in right now." Mr. Grits said.

The sewer had thin brick walls, but had a ceiling high above our heads. The ceiling had water dripping down, like we were in a cave. It also had some writing on the walls in another language. "Is this where you live?" Your Mom asked. "No,"the wise alien said. "Then, where do you live?" I questioned. The alien didn't answer, instead he pushed something on a wall. The wall lowered and revealed to be a library. "Ooh, a library!" Mrs. Darth Tater squealed. Mr. Pepperoni Man scoffed. "Who needs books when you got adventure?" "Shut up, Peps. Books are good for knowledge. Besides, there are a lot of adventure books out there." Iva said. "Uh huh." Mr. Pepperoni Man nodded slowly. The wise alien walked in front of us to get our attention. "These books are not normal ones." "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean-" the alien started. "Woah!" Chester shouted from a few feet away. "The books are floating!" We all turned to Chester and saw that he was right. There were ten books floating around him, each with purple rings surrounding them. "Yes, these books are magic." the wise alien announced, causing us to turn back around to face him. "Yeah, no kidding." Mr. Grits replied. "Guys?" Chester questioned. We faced him again. "I think these books have minds of their own..." The floating books had backed him up in a corner at some point and started to poke him. "Maybe you should try to tell them to stop?" Banana suggested. "I already did." Chester replied. "But I don't think they understand English." One book opened up and made a feather nearby float to Chester and used it to tickle his feet. Chester tried to hold in his laughter, but failed. "Hahahah! S-stop that! It t-tickles!" Chester stammered while laughing. The book didn't listen and kept on tickling him. Ace squeaked, flew to Chester and the books, knocked one of the books out of the middle of the air, and blew out fire to the other books. "Wooo!" Chester cheered. "Go Ace!"

Iva chuckled. "Sometimes I wonder how he's so optimistic, especially when we're still trapped in this horrible alien spaceship." I nodded in agreement. "That's just how he is sometimes." The rest of the magic books in the library were still in their place on the shelves, probably not paying attention to the commotion beneath them.

An idea suddenly popped into my head. "Iva, since we're probably long gone from the rest of the aliens, should we look for an escape?" I whispered to Iva. She shrugged. "Maybe. But we don't know if the wise alien is on our side or not." "Should we ask him?" "Probably not, there's still a chance that he'll report us to the guards." "True. Let's tell the others." 

We spread out, whispering my idea to everyone except for Chester, since he was riding on Ace. When I finally got to Chester, he asked, "What if the aliens are right outside the door?" "We should probably meet in the secret room and look for an exit there, if we can climb back up from the hole." I responded. Chester nodded. "Can we trick the wise alien?" "Well, he's called 'the wise alien' for a reason. I don't think so, but I guess we can try." "Yeah, but we'll need a distraction." "You need a distraction, you say?" Mr. Grits asked. I guess he was eavesdropping behind us. "Yeah. Can you do it?" Chester asked. "You can count on me." Mr. Grits pointed his thumb in his direction. Everyone watched him as he walked up to the wise alien and then crossed his legs and went into a crouch position. "Excuse me?" he asked quietly. The wise alien turned his way. "Is there a bathroom nearby?" As soon as he said that, Mr. Pepperoni Man made an overdramatic expression and turned towards Poop. Poop nudged him and told him quietly to calm down. "The closest bathroom is above this hole. Do you really want to leave the safety of this-" "Yes. But I'll take my friends with me. Just to be safe." Mr. Grits interrupted. Before the wise alien could protest, he ran up to us and pushed us out of the library. "See ya!" He waved bye to the alien just before stepping out of the doorway. 

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