Chapter 18: An Unforgettable Event

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(Chester's POV)

Mr. Pepperoni Man had kicked down the evacuation door and somehow that started a countdown for a nuclear reactor to self-destruct. That was dangerous. But to make matters worse, right after that, the aliens showed up.

A new set of aliens were carrying the king's bed. And of course, the king was laying on top of it, lazily eating something that looked like fried chicken. Why isn't he worried about all of this? I thought. The king slowly got off the bed and cleared his throat. "Now-" I ran to the airlock, not letting him finish. Time was too precious to waste right now. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that the airlock was somehow closed again, and the aliens were behind us. An extremely sharp spear that one of the aliens was holding, shot up. It missed my stomach but it raked across the left side of my visor, causing me to cry out in pain. I tripped and fell on the cold and solid floor, making my friends grimace. Rolling over to my side, I held my eye, trying to stop the blood from oozing out. The king just laughed at all of this. "See what happens if you try to escape?" Then, he reached inside his bed and pulled out a small, black remote with a red button on top of it. "Uh oh." I heard Ninja whisper. "Now, as I was saying, since you all have broken my law of 'following the king at all times when told to', you shall face the consequences." My friends, except for Snowball, Sandy, Poop, Jeff, and Chloe, took a few steps back from the king. The king then pressed the button on the remote and rumbling noises started again. "Since you have accidentally stepped on the button stuck to the floor," his eyes bored at Mr. Pepperoni Man. "That activated the volcano that has been kept away for years." "Volcano...?" Everyone questioned. The king nodded and guestered the rest of the aliens to get out of the room. Then he too calmly strolled out of the room. Suddenly, I heard a loud creak above us and a silver metal cage dropped from the ceiling.

At the speed of light, Ace grabbed everyone and flew out of the cage's way. Well, almost everyone. Snowball, Sandy, Jeff, Poop, Chloe, and Mrs. Darth Tater were still left on the floor, leading the cage to fall on top of them. "No!" I shouted as Ace threw me on top of his back. He circled around the room, trying to get us out of there. "Ace! You can't leave them here!" I exclaimed in my dragon's ear. Ace growled in response and stopped near the evacuation door. He dropped us off there, letting his right wing droop in order for us to get off. I tried going after my friends who were stuck in the cage, but Ace stopped me by shoving me back with his snout. He gave me a stay-put glare and took off.

The king showed up in the room again, standing on a wooden box. He smiled cruelly at us and pressed another button on the remote. Under the cage, the floor opened up like a trap door, revealing bright orange, bubbling hot lava to be underneath it. "Oh shoot." Mr. Pepperoni Man said in fear. When the cage started lowering, Jeff was cursing like a freaking sailor. Luckly, I didn't hear him that clearly because of the loud long beep sound that was coming from the remote. "Self-destructing in three minutes." the computer announced. Dang it! How the heck did I forget about the self-destruction countdown?! "Ace! Hurry!" I shouted, already sweating from the heat of the ship's underground magma. Ace squeaked loudly and blew fire out of his mouth. Unfortunately, that didn't help. The boiling lava was already hot enough and the metal didn't melt, so of course a dragon's fire wouldn't work. He realized that, and then started biting the cage bars.

The king suddenly shouted. "There isn't a way for you to stop the cage from sinking into the lava except for this remote!" "Saying that out loud was a big mistake." Ninja snarled. He then bolted to the box that the king was standing on. I couldn't do anything to save my friends because the blood wouldn't stop pouring out from my cut, and that I couldn't really see that well. But what I did manage to see was Ninja climbing up the box from behind and jumping on the king's back, riding on him like he was getting a free piggyback ride. He swiped the remote from the king's hands and jumped down. "Hey!" The king barked. "Give me that back!" Ninja shook the remote in his hand teasingly. "You have to catch me first!" he said. He hopped off the box and ran all the way back to us. "Now where's that dang button?" Ninja asked himself, turning around the remote. I glanced at the back of it. "Found it!" I exclaimed. There was a little red button on the top left corner of the remote. "Thanks." Ninja said. "We can take care of that cut once we escape," he added. I nodded in appreciation. Without wasting another second, he pressed the button.

The cage stopped moving downward, and slowly started moving up. Everyone in the cage breathed a sigh of relief. The rest of us cheered. And during all that time, the king only managed to make it halfway down the box that he was standing on. Only halfway, ha! "Self-destructing in two minutes. Please board the evacuation ship." the computer said. Now the cage was above the floor and Ace finally ripped off a cage bar. Snowball, Sandy, Jeff, Poop, Chloe, and Mrs. Darth Tater drunkenly got off. I couldn't blame them, after they've been almost burned alive. The rest of us rushed over and hugged them, but only for a second. "Come on, guys. Let's get out of here before the ship self-destructs." Snowball said. Ace growled happily and carried us all to the evacuation door. This time, Ace breathed out fire on the door that had somehow closed.

"Guys!" A voice called. We whirled around and shouted, "Aurora!!" Aurora was running over to us with a funny looking blob with a long, white beard next to her. I'm guessing that was the wise alien. "I already put my father on another evacuation ship." she explained. "Wait, you're not leaving him here?" Mr. Pepperoni Man asked. Aurora rolled her eyes. "No! Of course not. He may be evil, but he's my father." "Oh, right...sorry." Mr. Pepperoni Man said softly. Nearby, I heard the king shout something angrily at us, and we just simply waved goodbye. The evacuation ship broke apart from the regular ship and took off, using rocket boosters. "That way he won't get me or any other alien to form a new evil team and start taking over Earth." Aurora said. The middle of the evacuation door burned off, leaving a big hole for us to climb through. "You're coming with us, right?" Mr. Grits asked. Aurora nodded. "Good," he said.

We stepped on the evacuation ship. It looked like one of those phony spaceships from either a 60's movie or from Star Trek. But this was real. And it had real food. Lots of it. "Foooood!" I exclaimed, and dashed off to a food counter. "Chester!" Mrs. Darth Tater shouted. He tried running after me, but I was too fast. He shook his head. "There's no doubt. That boy is always hungry." Ace followed me inside, and the rest of my friends (including Aurora and the wise alien) came in after him. Yes, the ship was big enough to fit a dragon in there. The ship was about the size of a large mansion, and Ace was still a baby.

"Self-destructing in one minute. Prepare for a hazardous compact." the computer announced. "Alright, let's go. We have everyone, right?" Mr. Pepperoni Man asked. Everyone said yes. Just in case, Mr. Pepperoni Man did a quick head count. After that, Mrs. Darth Tater and Banana went to the control room and disconnected the evacuation ship from the alien spacecraft. Then, the ship blasted off, starting the journey to Earth. I saw Voyager 1 (a spacecraft that had been launched in space in 1977, I'm pretty sure it's past all of the planets by now. I just learned about that in school) near us. "Aw man, we're that far from Earth?" Banana complained. I was surprised he knew that Voyager 1 was far away from all of the planets in our Solar System now. "Don't worry," Aurora said. "You guys will get to Earth in only a few hours, due to the rocket boosters." "Wait, you're not coming with us?" Mr. Grits asked, confused. Aurora nodded. "Yeah, an alien like me can't go to Earth. So I'm taking the wise one with me on a smaller evacuation ship that is on this one. And we'll be off, hoping to find new alien life before my father does, and use them for good." We heard the spaceship explode in the distance. The debris from it couldn't hit us since we were already far away.

"Alright, we're going now." Aurora said, and then she hugged us. "But first, I wanna say goodbye." We hugged her back, then led her to the smaller evacuation ship. "You sure you want to go?" I asked. Aurora nodded for the third and last time. Mr. Grits exhaled slowly. "Bye, Aurora. Thank you so much for helping us." he said. "No problem." Aurora smiled. And then she got on the smaller evacuation ship with the wise alien. The wise alien looked back at us, and with a grin on his face, he specifically said to Mr. Grits and Mr. Pepperoni Man, "I knew you two teaming up with the others would lead to a good ending." We all smiled back and watched the small spaceship detach from ours and take off. We waved our last goodbyes and ran back to the safety of the evacuation ship. We're finally going home. After all of this. I thought to myself. Everyone else was chattering away, calming down from the excitement that happened not even half an hour ago. I just stuffed myself with spaghetti and ramen and took a nap with Ace cuddling up beside me. Ninja took care of my large cut and it immediately started recovering as we passed by all of the gas giant planets. We didn't ride the Skeld that much anymore, so the sight of the outer planets amazed us. Then I thought about Pigeon, Peach, and Star.

If they cared, they must have been so worried about us! But luckily, they were about to see us when the planet we call home was in my view.

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