Chapter 3: The Dungeon

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(Mr. Pepperoni Man's POV)

I couldn't believe it. Some of my friends and I were trapped with the aliens. I saw Peach pull a detach lever and the airship went flying out of the aliens' grasp. I hope my other friends were making a rescue plan right now, but the rest of us were held captive.

"Bow down to me." Several months later, a super huge alien, and somewhat fat, was glaring down at us. He was the so-called king of all of the aliens and now was forcing us, his new prisoners, to worship him. My friends didn't want to cause any trouble so they did what he said. But me? No. I was definitely not bowing down to some evil alien king. I wasn't surprised when the alien king noticed I wasn't listening to him. "Hey, you!" He shouted. I glanced around myself, then pointed at my chest quizzingly. "Yes, you. Fall to your knees and worship me!" His voice sounded so deep and serious but it was coming from a fat alien, so I almost laughed aloud. I shook my head. "No can do, Mr. Cubby. No one can force me to bow down to some alien." "That's King Saltazard to you, male earthling." "Yeah yeah, King Mustard Card. Listen, can you let my friends and I free?" I said. "We really wanna go back to our original crew. Please?" The king arched an eyebrow. "Pretty please with a red cherry on top?" "What is a cherry?" he asked. I stopped pleading and gave him a confused look. "You seriously don't know what a cherry is?" The king answered with a shrug. "Wow. Someone oughta teach you about Earth." I said.

Suddenly, the alien guards threw their swords at me. None of them hit me, except one. The tip of the sword hit my leg and caused me to draw a little bit of blood. My friends gasped and the aliens who were watching the commotion murmured to one another. "Ow," I whined, clutching my wound. "Watch where you point those things." "Guards, throw him into the dungeon." King Saltazard ordered. "The dungeon?" I asked.

I turned to the camera/readers. "I thought dungeons were mainly in stories." "This is a story." King Saltazard said. "Hey, who said you could break the fourth wall?" I asked. "You aren't one of the main protagonists like me." "Whatever. Just go to the dungeon." The guards obeyed and handcuffed me. "Wow, this is very fair." I said sarcastically.

The dungeon was actually cleaner than I thought it would be. It wasn't really dirty or contained rats or anything like that. But the guards threw me in there anyway. "Have fun." an alien chuckled. It slammed the door and locked it. And... of course they didn't unlock my handcuffs. I sighed. Well, looks like I can't get out of this one.

Now I really hope that the rest of my friends are making a rescue plan.

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