Part 3 of The Final Battle: Home, the name we miss

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Chapter 13: Another Unauthorized Place

(Ninja's POV)

Back to brokenness. Back to misery. Back to sorrow. Back to... you name it. We were lost in space, held captive by a bunch of evil, uncivilized aliens... again. This time, there was a 0% chance that we would escape again. The aliens made sure of that. We were trapped in the dungeon that Mr. Pepperoni Man recently was in. There were daily "examinations", those were probably for checking if we weren't sick. Though everyone hated the "examinations". We would always fight against them, kicking, punching, screaming, scratching, and even biting if we had to. Unfortunately, none of it worked. And they eventually found out that Sandy, Mr. Grits, Mr. Pepperoni Man, Poop, and I had spirit animals, and during one of our examinations they took it away. Even though we would always fight, we would always return, sleeping. I guess that was because we would always get hit by some kind of dart and no one remembered anything after that.

But whatever the reason was, it didn't change the fact that we were never going back home.

One out of the uncounted days, the aliens did something different. I was asleep next to Chester when suddenly he shook me, waking me up. "Huh? What is it, Chester?" I asked groggily. "Ninja," Chester said. "The aliens are here! They said that they wanted to do something different today." "Wha-what does that mean?" Chester shrugged. "I dunno, but they're leading us to whatever the 'different' thing is right now, so we better follow our crew. We don't wanna fall behind." "Alright, I hear you." I yawned. We caught up to our crew, me being behind Iva. "Iva?" I asked. "What's happening?" Iva shrugged in almost the exact same posture as Chester's. "All I know is that the aliens are taking us somewhere that we don't usually go." she answered. I nodded and focused on the straight path the aliens were forcing us to go. They were surrounding us while we walked. The guns in their hands, all pointed at us, ready to shoot like we were going to try to attack them somehow.

When we reached the destination, the alien king was sitting on his throne, sitting up straight and kind of looked like a spoiled rich person. Mr. Pepperoni Man seemed a little annoyed by that, but his annoyed look faded away when the king started to speak. "Ahem... you might have wondered why I have brought you all here today. Well, it's because I have something special to show you."
"Special? Like what?" Mr. Grits spoke up. The alien king grunted and leaned forward. "Obviously, I was going to tell you, Australian boy. So shut your trap and listen." The alien king leaned back on his throne again and cleared his throat. While he was clearing his throat, Mr. Grits mumbled something that sounded a lot like, "Great, I have another stupid nickname." "So, we will travel a short distance again and we will be at our final destination." the king grinned. That wasn't a short distance. I thought to myself, ignoring the pain in my aching legs. It seemed like everyone else thought the same thing as well. The king ignored our annoyed looks and slowly got off his golden kings chair. That made sense because the king wasn't very... well, fit. I glanced over at Mr. Pepperoni Man, Mr. Grits, and Jeff. Mr. Grits whispered something in the trio (probably something rude about the king) and they all snickered and elbowed each other. The king looked at them with a stern glare that said: 'I will hurt you three if you say one more bad thing about me'. It seemed to work. Mr. Grits, Mr. Pepperoni Man and Jeff abruptly stopped laughing.

The king continued getting off his chair and eventually plopped on the floor. Then, six new aliens came into the room, carrying a portable bed. They set it down on the floor and the king climbed onto it. They picked it back up again and galloped away. "Come on, people!" The alien king called from far away. "Follow me...!" His voice seemed to trail off as he and his " alien team" were getting farther away from us.

"Lazy." Mr. Grits grumbled. "Stupid," Jeff added. "King!" Chester finished their sentence. Mr. Pepperoni Man sighed. "Lucky... he gets air support. "Air support?" I questioned. "Look Peps, he's getting special treatment and we're not because he's a king, and we're his prisoners, unfortunately." Iva explained. Mr. Pepperoni Man nodded. "Yeah, I noticed," he replied softly. Chester cleared his throat. "So, are we just gonna stand here all day?" Your Mom shook her head. "I guess not. Come on guys, let's follow the king. Er... wherever he went that is." We all rushed out of the room and ran smack dab into a two way corridor without any doors. "Um, where do we go now?" Jeff asked. Poop shrugged. "Uh... let's try going... left." he pointed toward the left corridor. "Alright then," Snowball said. "Let's go." With that, Snowball took the lead. We followed him in a straight line, trying to ignore the creepy stuff (which were the dead zombie looking animals in small liquid filled jars) that was on the sides of the corridor. Snowball abruptly stopped walking at some point and that caused us to bump into him and fall down like dominos. "Um, Snowball?" Mr. Grits asked. "What happened? Why'd you stop?"

"Guys," Snowball said. "You have to see this." "See what...?" I asked, but trailed off when I saw the sight that Snowball had called us for. Everyone gathered around us, shoving each other to see, but eventually they all took a spot beside me and Snowball and gaped at the sight. If we had known about this place, we would definitely take occasional trips to it. "Is that, like, a secret forest?" Poop asked. Indeed the place was a forest. It was a lot more sunnier and prettier and warmer and a lot more stuff that was good about it than the space ship. Colorful butterflies and insects were fluttering around the plants. To our surprise, the animals were colorful too, I mean like they were pink, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow, red, whatever color you name, an animal in this secret place would be it. Not thinking, everyone tried to fit in the door at once, which was definitely not a good idea. When we finally fit through the door, we all stumbled out and fell on the soft, mossy ground. I landed on my back, gazing up to a computer programmed sky. I knew all of this had to be computerized, there was no way that a gaint, grassy forest in the middle of an alien space ship. "Woah," Mr. Pepperoni Man gasped. I noticed that Jeff's eyes flashed with realization. "Wait guys, where's Chloe? She hasn't spoken in a while." Something struck Chester as well. "And where's Ace?" "Ace?" Everyone asked at once. "Yeah, Ace. That's what I named the baby dragon just now." Mrs. Darth Tater groaned. "Chester, this is not the time to name a mythical creature." "But- but he's so cute! And he needs a home... but we can't do that if we lose him." "And Chloe," Jeff added. "Right," Snowball agreed. "Let's go find them and bring them back here." 

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