Chapter 12: Reunited...for some time

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(Poop's POV)

"Oh... my... gosh. Can you guys go back to the part where you find the baby dragon?" Ninja exclaimed.

After time to celebrate, we all sat down in a form of a circle in the small room. Sandy and Snowball were cuddling each other and Mr. Grits and Your Mom were doing the same thing. The baby dragon kept nudging Chester with its nose. It must've formed a bond with him. We told our story first and then Chester informed us about how all of this happened. He explained that he, Jeff, Snowball, Your Mom, and Banana found a baby dragon and figured that it had some sort of internet signal on it. They brought the dragon to the rest of the crew and Mrs. Darth Tater took advantage to fix his tracking devices because they got destroyed earlier for some reason. But doing that, he managed to find Mr. Grits and that led to finding all of us. "Yes," Chester said. "If we have time. I'm not sure when the aliens are going to find out about this." "Pretty soon, probably. So, let's get packin'." Iva replied. Everyone said their own agreement and got up from the room. On the way to the portal, Chester explained where Pigeon, Peach, and Star were. "They're still back in the Airship. They said that they didn't want to risk their lives for this." I growled angrily, but then realized that they didn't even know us that well. We only knew them for 2 weeks, and that time was just us trying to break free from the glass prisons the aliens trapped us in. "Well, I kind of understand why, they hardly even know us." I answered. Fortunately, the portal was still open and running. "Come on guys, let's go back home." Ninja said, excited. "Yes, finally!" Sandy shouted. We started running towards the portal, not wanting to waste any time. But then, for some reason, it shut down when we were only inches away from it. "Uh... guys? What just happened?" I asked. "I don't know," Mrs. Darth Tater responded. "I guess for some reason, it shut down on us."

"No, not for some reason." A deep voice said behind us, causing us to jump. We swiveled around and saw... the alien king. His alien guards all pointed their guns at us. "No," Mr. Pepperoni Man whispered in disbelief. At the same time, I cursed under my breath. "Come on, it's back to lockdown for you guys."

Not again. I thought, as the aliens handcuffed us, again. We were so close, yet, so far.

STA Studios: The Final Battle Part 2 and 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ