Chapter 14: The Collapsing Floor

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(Chloe's POV)

I never get it. Why am I the one getting separated from my friends? As a princess, I have never been ditched like that before, even though I know I haven't purposely been ditched by my friends. Anyway, I couldn't find my way back to them. "Jeff?" I called desperately. "Snowball? Chester? Banana? Ninja? Anyone?" There was nothing but silence. I sighed. Suddenly, I heard a small squeak behind me. I whirled around and saw the baby dragon sitting behind me. "Oh," I said. "It's just you, baby dragon." The baby dragon squeaked again. It then turned around and ran off. "Wait!" I shouted. "Come back!" I followed the dragon around, passing by empty rooms and big jars full of gross animals, and eventually I saw my crew. The baby dragon stopped running and squeaked again, making me understand that it was leading me to my crew. "Thank you, baby dragon! You are very helpful." I complimented it and it squeaked in delight.

"Jeff! Everybody, I'm back!" I shouted. Everybody turned around in surprise, but then had a look of relief when they saw me and the baby dragon. "Chloe!" Jeff exclaimed. He ran over and hugged me. "I'm so glad that you're okay. I missed you!" I hugged him back and replied, "I missed you too," After the reunion, my crew showed me the "secret room" and it was beautiful! I never imagined a room like this. Banana clasped his hands in front of his face. "Aww..." he said. "This is so happy!" Right after he said that, a loud boom erupted in the far end of the secret room. "What was that?" Sandy asked. "I don't know, but it didn't sound good." Mr. Grits said, worrisome. "Definitely not good." Chester agreed. "Come on, let's get out of here before something bad happens." Snowball said. Everybody nodded and followed Snowball out of the secret room. When we were in the middle of the corridor, another loud boom erupted somewhere near us. We turned around, worried and surprised how close the noise was. A few moments later, a bombshell exploded a couple of feet away from the last person behind the group, which was Banana.

I felt like I had been drugged when I woke up. I groaned and shook my head, wanting to make the small siren sound go away from the impact of the bombshell earlier. I looked around and saw that we were still in the same place. Everyone else got up almost at the same time, including Banana who was somehow perfectly fine. "What happened?" Poop asked, rubbing his head. Before anyone could answer him, Banana screamed, "The floor's falling!!" "Huh?" Everyone questioned. Banana pointed at the tiles of the floor a few feet behind us. Soon enough, we saw them fall down in a zigzag cycle. "Run!" Chester shouted. We all scrambled up off the floor, and ran as fast as we could in the other direction. The tiles were falling fast behind us. Mr. Pepperoni Man was the fastest of all of us, so he called out to us, "Come on guys! Run like the wind!" "That's exactly what we're doing!" Banana shouted. Mr. Pepperoni Man turned to face forward, then his face quickly filled with shock. He suddenly skidded to a stop, and at that moment, I could see why he tried to stop. The floor ahead of us was already gone. And that left Mr. Pepperoni Man to slide off the edge.

"Mr. Pepperoni Man!" Everyone shouted, devastated. We all rushed to the edge, wondering if Mr. Pepperoni Man actually fell off. "Peps?" Iva catechized. "Help, please!" We heard a voice yelp from below. "Mr. Pepperoni Man?" Chester questioned. "Yeah!" The voice exclaimed. "Down here!" We peeked over the edge and found Mr. Pepperoni Man hanging on to a hook of some sort. It didn't look very strong. "Pull me up!" he gasped. Mrs. Darth Tater hung over the edge, reaching a hand to help Mr. Pepperoni Man with Mr. Grits holding Mrs. Darth Tater's legs to make sure he didn't fall. "Grab my hand!" Mrs. Darth Tater shouted. Mr. Pepperoni Man nodded and swung the hook back and forth so he could reach for the inventor's hand more easily. When Mr. Pepperoni Man had a good grip on Mrs. Darth Tater's hand, Ace, the baby dragon, flew down and pushed Mr. Pepperoni Man from the rear, helping him get out of the steep mess. "Almost there..." Mrs. Darth Tater groaned. I think that he noticed that Mr. Pepperoni Man gained at least five to seven pounds. He didn't want to mention it probably because that would be irrelevant and probably make matters worse. Ace squeaked again, causing us to remember about the descendant floor. We turned around, but it was too late. We saw the last row of tiles, which we were standing on, disappear from underneath us, and that caused us to fall down with it. 

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