Chapter 9: Sudden Problems

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(Sandy's POV)

"This is so much fun!" Poop shouted while bouncing up and down on his kangaroo legs. Mr. Pepperoni Man had arrived with Mr. Grits, who explained what happened. They gave each of us our ability to transform into our spirit animals. Mine were an ocelot and a rabbit. Poop's were a kangaroo and a honey badger with Ninja's a black mamba and a wolverine. "If you keep jumping up and down, I swear your legs will suffer terrible cramps." Ninja said. Poop scoffed. "No they'll not." "We'll see." Ninja replied. Then he tried to bite him on the ankle. Poop slightly gasped in surprise as he barely dodged Ninja's snake teeth. "What did you do that for?" he hollered. Ninja grinned. "No reason." Poop growled, changing back to his regular crewmate self (Ninja did too at the same time). "Wait'll I get my paws on you."

While Poop and Ninja were tackling each other, I glanced over at Mr. Grits and Mr. Pepperoni Man. They were both on the lookout for aliens, pacing back and forth carrying medium-sized swords that they had found somewhere. They were wearing heavy armor that almost completely covered their visors, which probably wasn't that good of a choice because once in every 30 seconds they would bump into each other. Their actions caused me to giggle to myself. A sudden crash led to me hearing Poop and Ninja yelp. Immediately, I rushed to check on them and Mr. Grits took off after me too, leaving Mr. Pepperoni Man to do his job alone.

We skidded to a stop and saw piles of rubble on top of Ninja, who was harmlessly shoving it off. But Poop was nowhere in sight. "What happened?" I asked. "Poop and I were wrestling with each other but we accidentally crashed into the wall. I thought we would stop moving but... we didn't. And that's what led to this secret room. I don't know where Poop is though." "Guys!" a voice called out. We swiveled in the direction the voice came from. Poop peeked his head out of a door. "I found something!" He walked into the part of the room that we were in and held up a small computerized chip. "It's a radio," he explained. "I heard it saying something earlier." "Saying something like what?" Mr. Grits questioned. Poop shrugged. "All I heard was mumbling. I don't know where the other end is coming from, but I'm sure something's there." We listened to the small radio for a few minutes, watching it intently to see if it would talk again. Unfortunately, it didn't.

"Well," I said. "It's not talking." "That's a bummer." Mr. Grits complained. "Let's just keep it for now, who knows that it might talk again?" Poop advised. Ninja nodded. "I agree." We suddenly heard a squeal outside the room, but it was cut short by the sound of something grabbing whatever squealed. "What was that?" Ninja asked. "Wait, everyone's here, right?" I asked, a little panicked. "Yeah... wait..." Poop thought aloud. We all thought the same thing at the same time. "Mr. Pepperoni Man!" we all shouted, Mr. Grits grabbed the small radio, and then bolted out of the room. When we reached the noises, we froze in our tracks. The alien king was holding Mr. Pepperoni Man by the neck. He was struggling to get out of the king's grasp, but wasn't strong enough. "Give me the radio," the king warned, twisting Mr. Pepperoni Man's neck a little, which caused him to let out a pained whimper.

"Or he dies."

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