Chapter 16: Discovery of the Secret Evil Plan

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(Mr. Grits' POV)

I lead my crew out of the hole and back into the secret room. "Okay, let's start looking for an exit here." I said. Everyone nodded and spread out. I started looking from the back of the room. Grass... grass... and more grass... I thought to myself as I searched around. Even more gra- oh! Wait a minute, what is that? I found something small, clear, and round squished between a few shrubs. I picked it up carefully. This looks like a crystal ball, but why is it here? I asked myself. "Hey, guys!" I shouted. "I found something that looks exactly like a crystal ball!" "Really?!" Ninja exclaimed as the rest of my crew rushed over. I nodded. "Yup." Mrs. Darth Tater studied it. After a minute, he said, "It's definitely a real crystal ball, even though there isn't really a logical explanation for its existence here..." Banana started jumping up and down. "Yay! We found a real crystal ball!" He stopped and took a deep breath. He exhaled and questioned, "What's next? Mermaids? Griffins! Oh! Unicoooorns-!" "Alright, let's just see what this has in store." Mr. Pepperoni Man abruptly stopped Banana from prancing around everyone. 

I rubbed the glass of the crystal ball slowly, to make it clearer. I stopped after two minutes of doing that. I then set the crystal ball on the grass and sat down in front of it. My crew all sat down around it, curious as much as I was. At first it didn't do anything, but then a face popped up. "Hi!" an alien exclaimed. Everyone cried out in surprise and leapt back. "Oops, sorry I scared you guys. Just in case none of you remember me, I'm Aurora, the king's daughter." She glanced at me. "Nice to see you again, blue boy. How 'ya doin'?" "Hmph." I turned away from the crystal ball in anger. "Oh don't be like that. Even as the princess, I still have orders. Besides, you're still alive, right?" I rolled my eyes in response. Aurora sighed. "Alright, mister grumpy pants. You have a right to be mad at me, but I'm pretty sure you have the capacity in your mind to forgive me, am I right?" "Whatever..." I grumbled, slowly turning back to face the alien princess. Jeff nudged me. "You have a little grudge with the princess, I see?" I playfully shoved him and responded with, "Shut up." Aurora laughed. "Anyways, I hear y'all are trying to escape." I heard several gasps around me. "Don't worry. I'm on your side here, for real this time." "Really?" Your Mom asked. "Yeah, I overheard my dad and some soldiers talking about their 'secret evil plan'." "What is it?" Chester questioned, petting Ace. "I'll tell you... on one condition." "Which is?" Poop asked. "You guys have to meet me in the room where there's a lot of boxes. And bring every weapon you find along with you." Before we had a chance to respond, Aurora's face faded away from the crystal ball. "What does she mean by, 'bring every weapon you find along with us'?" Banana asked. "That probably means trouble." Iva said. "Yeah, but we have Ace! He'll burn some aliens, and we can take their weapons!" Chester responded. I had a feeling that everyone was out to kill now. "Finally, revenge!" Snowball shouted. He turned toward Sandy and said, "This will be for you, my love." Sandy blushed. "Aww, Snowball! You're so sweet!" Mr. Pepperoni Man rolled his eyes. "Let's just go."

Chester and Ace led the way as we walked through the left corridor again. When the split hallway was in view, we saw the six aliens that were carrying the king's bed. Snowball signaled us to go behind him. Then he told Chester to let Ace take care of everything. Chester nodded and whispered to Ace. Ace then squeaked and flew silently to the aliens. We watched Ace open his mouth and shoot fire out, burning the six aliens who were just standing there. "Well, that's some of them out of the way." I said. We ran up to the ashes that were left behind and grabbed the spears that were lying helplessly on the ground. We picked them up and ran around the hallways, checking to see if there were any other aliens. Eventually, we rounded up together near the storage room, wherever that was.

"Okay, we're here." Jeff panted. "Good!" Aurora shouted from a corner of the room. We went towards the corner and sat down near the princess. "Now, since all of 'yall are here, let's get started on explaining the 'secret evil plan'." Aurora said. Then she added, "Although I don't know why my father named it the 'secret evil plan'. It's kind of basic." "True." Sandy agreed. Aurora clasped her hands together in front of her face. "Anyway, the plan is to collect a lot of blood, human blood, that's why we captured all 13 of you and examined you guys once in a while." "H-human blood?" Darth stuttered. Aurora nodded. "Why?" I asked. "Because, the ship's main power source, some sort of crystal ball, went missing by two aliens who rely on the 'wise alien' of this ship." The two aliens who witnessed the wise alien giving us spirit animals. I thought to myself. Mr. Pepperoni Man, Ninja, Sandy, and Poop probably were thinking the same thing. "Crystal ball?" Banana asked. "Like the one we found earlier?" "Yes. But, the crystal ball can only be used once for communication. After that one time, it disappears. So, we can't use it anymore." "Oh no." Mr. Pepperoni Man said. " the aliens don't have a choice but to take our blood?" Ninja asked. Aurora nodded sadly. "And also, Chester, I figured that you noticed a bright teal glow hidden somewhere in a secret place on your Airship, right?" Chester nodded. "That was a way that my father figured out how to disable the portal that Mrs. Darth Tater created in order to get here. And, remember when he told you guys that you were going somewhere, but you ended up finding the secret room?" Everyone nodded. "He was supposed to lead you guys in a death trap. To kill you guys early in order to get your blood." "Wow, it's a good thing we got lost." Mrs. Darth Tater spoke up. We all said our own agreement. "But anyway, I've figured out a way for you guys to escape." Aurora said. Everyone perked up in excitement at her comment. "There's an emergency evacuation ship in the back of this storage room." Aurora nodded towards the back of the room. "Great!" Poop shouted excitedly. "Let's go get on it then.""Not so fast, earthlings." A deep voice commanded behind us. Everyone grumbled in recognition and annoyance. "King party pooper returns." Mr. Pepperoni Man muttered under his breath. 

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