The Cybertronian Apprentice and New Wars

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Explosions Rock the Battlefield as the Constant Blaster fire Keeps hitting where the Aotobot squad of Twelve Aotobots is Dug in, a Platoon of Vehicon's holding them back. "Liuetenent Cyklops! Were down five men!" A Young Aotobot Mech shouts over the Blaster fire, using some rubble as Cover. "Hold the line! Prime said he was sending Reinforcements and a New Objective and I know he won't let us down!" Cyklops Goes out of Cover Revealing a Dull Optic and Shoots a Vehicon Square in the Visor before going back behind cover. "Were in Enemy Territory sir! No one would Volunteer to--" the Young Inexperienced Mech is Cut off by a Whistling sound which is Shortly followed by a Explosion.

Cyklops picks out of Cover with his good Optic to see a Sight which makes his Mandible slightly Agape. A Femme In Pink Alt mode Parts is running at the Platoon which is Now Reduced to ten by a Massive Explosion with both her Servo's turned into Blasters and beside her is a Black Mesh Feline Cat with a Bladed tail. The Femme Jumps on a Piece of Rubble and Kicks a Piece of Metal as she Rapidly fires her Blaster's killing three Vehicon's in the Process, the piece of metal Flying and Stabbing itself in a Vehicon's visor. The Femme changes her Blasters to her Servo's and does a Handspring which Lands her Behind a Piece of Rubble as she takes cover from most of the Blaster Fire. The Feline running forward and Expertly dodging Blaster fire. It Lunges and Bites at a Vehicon's Neck cable and its Tail stabbing a Nearby Vehicon before it pounces off and Growls at the Last two Vehicons.

Cyklops just Watches they transform and start driving off. But is even more Shocked when two Green Blaster Shots whizz by and Hits them as they Crash And burn. Cyklops looks at the Pink Femme and finally gets a Good look at her.

 Cyklops looks at the Pink Femme and finally gets a Good look at her

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"Lieutenant. My name is Elita One Member of Reaper squad" the Femme Introduces and Shakes Cyklops Servo. "Reaper Squad?! Why is Special Forces here?" The Same young Aotobot Addresses everyone's Question as Ravage just Grooms his Paw. "Becuase Megatron is Building something and Iacon is Barely Holding on as it is" Everyone turns to the Mysterious Voice and a Few Gasps are Heard as Firepepper Approaches, her Faceplate having a Energon Stain. "By Primus..." Cyklops shakes his helm out of his shock. "Commander. What's our new Objective" Cyklops looks up at Firepepper. "Iacon is nearly Lost and there is nothing we can do to stop it. But we Have Intelligence that Megatron is Building something somewhere in Kaon, our mission is to delay its Construction" Firepepper informs looking around for any Listeners.

"Yes Ma'am. You heard her People! lets get moving!" A Collective 'Yes Sir' sounds as everyone starts Moving forward with Firepepper, Elita one and Ravage in the front. "Nice job out there Elita, Cuased fear into them and made them slip up with Ravage" Firepepper pats Elita's Back. "Oh it was nothing. just luck" Elita has a Blush on her Faceplate as she waves her Servo Dismissively. "Dont say that Elita. You know my Secret. I taught you how to Fight, and not only that I see you as a Sister. You will do well" Firepepper nods as she keeps walking. Soon a Smirk comes on Firepepper's Faceplate. "I notice the way you look at Optimus..." Elita immediately has a Huge blue tint on her Faceplate. "And honestly? I think he likes you too" Elita's looks at Firepepper.

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