The Reaper Leader and the War Con

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"Damn that was Long" Firepepper whines Mentally as she Drives on the Main Road heading to Jasper. She has been there Before when it was being Founded but it was just Sticks coming out the Ground. Sure the Vorn Firepepper was on Earth has taught her New things Like CQC but there Organic building Structure is incredibly Unique, using such originally weak materials to create buildings is most intriguing to the Metralian. Firepepper silently thanks having a Large Energy Reserve for her Holoform, it's nice having a Physical body just like a human and talking through it. But having to Explain the Origin of another Planet and you were trained there and it was supposed to kept a Secret was a Mood turn. At least they all understood the necessity of keeping a planet full of warrior's a Secret. That cheered up Firepepper behind the Stoic Expression.

Firepepper stops at a Red Light, her Holoform sighing Heavily Under the Helmet. "I hate Traffic Lights" The Holoform mutters Shaking her head but still looking forward to keep her eyes on the Road. Soon a Blue Bike with a Pink Accent with a Rider in Black Leather Suit in Blue Accents, The Rear View's shift by themselves making sure no one is Around. "So how do you feel getting that Secret Out?" The Blue Rider Props her Elbows on her Handlebars while turning her Head to Firepepper. "Well it Definitely took a Toll Mentally" Firepepper sighs with her Shoulders slumping Slightly. "You wanna Talk about it?" Firepepper looks around before looking at Arcee. "Patrol?" Firepepper asks as Cars on the turn starts Stopping. Arcee nods as the Lights Turn Green. "Follow Me" Firepepper starts driving with Arcee Following beside the Titan as they Take a Left onto a Road leading out of Jasper.

"Hey Arcee did you know Humans have non-Asphalt Roads?" Firepepper asks with a Smirk Evident in her Voice as she turns with the Main Road. "Wait what? Where are they" Arcee looks Around confused with her Rear View's. Firepeppers holoform disappears as she Suddenly Turns off the Road with the Engine Roaring loudly. "You Nimble Bot" Arcee Comments as she turns off after the Other Two Wheeler. "Some Humans do a Thing called off Roading. Besides some signs the best way to tell is Subtle things like Feint Displacement or weak Tracks!" Firepepper shouts over to Arcee. "This what you do for Fun?!" Arcee shouts back slowly Gaining. "Nope! There is Something else I Remember about 50 earth years ago and im thinking its Abandoned!" Firepepper shouts Back Picking up the Speed and turning into a Canyon.

After about a Thirty minute Drive of Going up Narrow Passageways and Hills only a two wheeler can get up to. Firepepper stops at the Edge of a Cliff. Shortly after Arcee pulls up and immediately is Impressed at the Sight, in the Distance a mountain is seen high enough to have snow, the Arid Land soon Connecting to a Grassy field's. The Mountain being in a Position where the Setting sun makes is just above the Peak Making it look like it was being held up. Near the Base of the Cliff is a old Dirt bike Track seemingly Abandoned with a Rusted Chain link fence. "I have to Admit its a Nice view. You find it yourself?" Arcee asks as both Parties Transform and just look out at the View. "Yeah...I was bored and wanted to watch the Dirt Track but uh...found this" Firepepper motions to the View For Emphasis. "Well atleast I know of three Good Views now. One on Cybertron and the other two Right here" Arcee says Stealing a Glance at Firepepper.

The Duo just enjoy the Comfortable Silence that soon Follows, the Wind just Casually flowing through the air and just Enhancing the Silence like it was on a job. Arcee eventually looks down and Rubs her Arm Sheepishly before looking up at the Thirty five foot tall Femme. "Hey Pep...about what you said...back on Cybertron before you left..." Arcee says Shyly, Firepepper visibly Tenses up. "I think the Human Expression is oh fuck" Firepepper clears her Throat to direct her inner thoughts and Faces arcee. "Y-yeah" Firepepper involuntarily Stutters cuasing her to Mentally groan At herself. "...Firepepper your Amazing at many things like building Devices, now being a Warrior who can take on a Monster from a Horror story and Megatron all the way to Being a Nice Femme to talk to get away but you make Horrible Jokes..." "hey!" "...but they always made me smile and we've known eachother since we were Femme-lings so there is no Secrets between us but its just...I dont want to lose you like Tailgate" Arcee looks away and Firepepper doesn't need to be a Psycoanalyser to know she is Feeling sad.

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