New Family and the One Femme Army

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"-Then i said 'then why aren't you in the Kitchen?'" All of the Other Soldier's Laugh except one extremely Young Soldier, Black Hair with no Scar's unlike his Brother's-in-arms. He is no older then Eighteen who was Drafted into the War and was a Good Fighter in the Heat of the Moment Situations. "Hey V! Why so Glum eh? Mother teach ya that war was bad" Most of the Soldiers Chuckle as the Helicopter Shakes from Turbulence. "Didnt have one" that Response immediately draws the other's Attention. "Really? So your daddy raised you himself?" The Black Haired Teen looks down. "More Like Abused me but yeah. I'm guessing Ma Died during my Birth" The Soldier who asked the Question nods Sympathetically. "Right" is all he Says as the Helicopter goes Silent.

A Fourty Year old Man with a Scar over his Eye and a Cigar in his mouth. His Cheek's being Well Built and a Real Beefed up Build and a M4 With a Underbarrel Gernade Launcher in his Grip. "Alright People Listen up" his voice deep and has a Slight German accent. he Pulls the Cigar out of his Mouth and drops it to the Ground, stepping on it to put it out. "This is a Black Ops Mission. I want no screw ups. That means you Gunny" The Leader looks over his Shoulder at a Late Twenties Blonde who Just Shrugs. "The Target is a Potential Russian Base with Intelligence of a Third Party we know nothing about. Our job is to get in, Secure the Intel, Get out" The Leader looks around. "Just one Dutch" The Leader, Now Dubbed Dutch, looks at the Black Haired Boy. "What if we get found out? What do we do then?" Dutch Smirks and hoists the M4 over his Shoulder. "Then we Improvise V" The Helicopter goes Silent As Dutch sits back on His Seat.

Soon a Shake is seen as the Helicopter lands and the Light goes Green. The Door's slide open and Squad of four Steps out with there Guns pointed at the Tree's of Vietnam. "Clear!" Danny Shouts as he lowers his Rifle. "Clear!" The Person who we Arrived On Shouts as the Helicopter takes off and Starts flying away. "Clear!" Dutch Shouts as he Points his Pointer Finger to the Sku and Moves his arm in a Circle signalling his Squad to Form. V Reluctantly doing as Instructed as they Head eastward.

As they Move Between the Tree's the sound of The Wilderness grows Eerily More Potent. The Sounds of Bugs Flying and in the Far distance gunfire. After twenty minutes Of Travelling they Stop at the Sight of a unnatural Bush Formation. Gunny steps forward with his Gun Trained at the Low Bush. When he is a Foot away he Quickly Reaches off and pulls off the Makeshift Ghillie only to lower his gun with a Confused Face. "A...Bike?" Dutch questions as he lowers his M4 looking at the 1940's Motorcycle, a Black Cat on the Back seat staring at the Soldier's Curiously. The Soldier who has no Name yet wolf Whistles. "Damn that is a Nice Bike. By the Looks, 1940's With Mods and Custom decal. Wouldn't mind taking her for a ride" V lowers his Rifle and Blinks Rapidly to Make sure he isn't Dreaming, he swore he saw the Tire move by itself slightly. "Shut it Palchuck" Dutch warns. "Lets keep Moving" Everyone nods and keeps moving.

After Thirty minutes, they stop at the Edge of a Clearing in a Crouch. The Sound of Gunfire and intense shoutinh emanating from a Concrete Building. "sto-Остановите эту женщину!" Dutch looks at V. "Well" V just looks Confused as he Looks at the Building "roughly it translates to Stop that Woman" Everyone Turns to V. "You Jokin?" V shakes his Head. "I doubt it. C'mon lets go in before they burn the Paper" everyone moves forward and soon they are in the Building. Five Corpses Litter the Ground and one with a Broken Neck sitting against the Wall. Stairs leading downward to a Bunker immediately gaining the Squad's attention as the Gunfire Ceases. "Ждать! подожди сто-" a Russian voice Gets Cut off with a Gunshot hitting metal as the Squad goes down the Stairs that leads to the Hall. At the End of the Hall is a a Singular door that is open. "Now I will only ask one Question you Evil Fleshbag. Where is the Blue Crystal!? Где гуманоидная машина!?" A Feminine voice Shouts making Everyone Stop Dead in there Tracks in the Hall of Dead Russian's.

"На севере! он на севере! обещал нам свою Технологию и Место в Империи своего Лорда!" A Russian Voice Shouts. Soon a Bang and a Muzzle flash is seen. Then the Sound of Boots as a Figure is seen at the Doorway staring at the soldiers in the Hall. "Well Slag" the Figure Mutter's as Dutch Scowls. "What are you doing here Civilian?" Dutch demands. The Woman Says nothing as she walks to the Side out of sight. Gunny runs forward and checks the Corner only for his Rifle to Lower. "Guy's...she's gone" Everyone Runs ahead to See nothing but a Russian Officer and A M1911 lying on the Ground, a Bullet right between the Eyes. "Well...she still belongs in the Ktichen" Palchuck comments as V goes over to a Desk in the Middle of the Room. "Guys due north is some kind of compound a Mike North of here. Maybe that Blue Crystal she was Talking about is there?" V convincingly lies as his thoughts drift to something else. Dutch Nod's as he Looks at the Rest of the Squad. "C'mon squad lets move"

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