Metralian War

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*you think I dont see you there? Yeah you, getting this book to 1000 and then getting a Hundred more. So I'm gonna give this to you, Had this in the works to do a collab to ,y Helluva boss book. So yeah you get to see another OC and see how I've evolved with my project*

The Idle silence of a Formless void is Eerily quiet to most of its unseen inhabitants. But the sound of some Magical energy piercing abyssal void disturbs the silence, a Archway with Blood Red glowing Runes and etchings. The Archway itself having a blood Red swirling of mystical energy in its centre like its waiting for someone...or something on the other side. Suddenly a Strange figure walks through with no disturbances at all from the energy, His Form Having a Leather shoulder spiked jacket with a Grey hooded Long sleeve shirt. His lower wear having some normal Jeans while his feet have the Black form of Steel tipped boots, a Norse hammer dangling idly at his hip with a Chain wrapped around his Right forearm. His canine Ears perking up as he looks around obviously searching for some kind of life. "Satan damnit!" The Bone faced form shouts at the top of his lungs as he throws a Fist into the air. The entire Canine face moving like it was fully animated with flesh but there is none to be seen on it all, the only sign of Life was the Glowing Red Iris with the Diamond predatory slit. "I wouldn't be surprised if this whole Hellraiding trip was just so Stolas can have his Desire fulfilled with Blitz" The Skulldog shudders involuntarily at his own Mental imaging.

The Skulldog suddenly Reaches into his Jacket and looks at the many (to the third party) Random things in his Jacket such as Neon Glowsticks, a Molotov and lighter, a Random book, a Burner phone and his Personal Favourite! Grounded down to powder Concrete. "Hm so this is a Hell...but so far its just..." The Skulldog spins around, ignoring the archway. "Yep its a soulless void" he pulls the Book and opens a Random page, tearing it off he puts the Book back into his Jacket. The Unknown being gently tosses the paper into the air, the paper floating downward but the Skulldog Outstretches his hand towards the paper. The Paper ceases falling as it starts folding, slowly turning itself into a Origami dove as it defies the laws of Physics and stays afloat. "The one ability i hate" The Skulldog mumbles as the Paper finishes its Shifting before flying like a Mind of its own into Revans palm, disintegrating into nothingness like the Skulldog Absorbed it. "Well let's go to where the fighting is worst in the living world...maybe ill find something there" The Skulldog mutters as his whole form terms to Origami and each little bit flying in a Large circle. After about ten seconds of Paper flying on its own they all stiffen and fall flat to the floor, Lifeless and unreceiving.

*Meanwhile with Firepepper*

The Poor Metral warrior paces back and fourth in the Hanger bay of her ship, Her processor having all kinds of thoughts as she her Pede-steps echo throughout the entire ship. A Amused Ravage seen laying his head on his front Paws watching Firepepper pacing. "I diverted power from the shields, the Non Life support, the Stealth systems and put it all in the Thrusters and still its going to be a Hour..." Firepepper says to herself as she stops Pacing and sits on a Crate, Checking the Exhaust pieces on her Pede's to make sure they are attached properly to function as a Makeshift Jet boots. "Mrow!" Ravage meows to his Owner. "I know I can't do anything Ravage" Firepepper remarks as she Unconsciously summons her spear in her Right servo, the sudden appearance making her reflexively Switch her free servo to a Blaster and aim only to sigh in annoyance. "This curse of whatever yellow Energon is also is not helping me" Firepepper throws the Spear in the Air before flicking her Wrist Moter to catch the Spear shaft in a Reverse grip before throwing it at the wall. Firepepper brings her Blaster close to her Faceplate, inspecting the Metal and looking at the Green Energy. "Could use some idle work" Firepepper murmurs as she reaches beside the Crate and pulls out a Large makeshift cloth, Being on earth has tuaght her many forms of combat and one of the many things she appreciates is the discovery of using a simple Rag stained with oil in order to clean weapons. Firepepper stops and rests her Arms on her Stabilising Servos. "Heh...we can make ships and require Oil to bath but we never thought of something so simple" Firepepper lets out a Small almost Unnoticeable laugh as she starts to polish her Blaster arm. She loses track of her time by polishing her blaster but snaps back to reality Due to a Ringing at her ear.

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