Chapter 20

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Chimamanda and Mia are seen walking down the hallway.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot", Chimamanda slammed her palm on her forehead, "My mum said I should help her pick up a book from the library today."

"Do you want to go there now? I can wait", Mia suggested.

"And arrive late to the cafeteria— not a chance", Chimamanda's foodie personality outshone.

Mia laughed at her sheer determination.

"Hey! Wait for me!"
They heard a voice say from behind them.

"What is it now, Brandon?", Chimamanda asked as they turned to face him.

"I can't believe you guys left me", he wheezed as he finally approached them.

"Why would we wait?", Chimamanda asked confused.

"WHAT?! I sat with you guys yesterday", Brandon complained.

"Correction. You sat with me yesterday. Mia was out of commission, remember?"

"But still..."

"Won't your buddies be confused why you aren't on the table. I thought you said they kicked you out for just a day?" Mia asked trying to recall.

"Ummmm– did I say a day?", Brandon asked hesitantly nervous, "I meant, more like a week."

"Oh", Mia responded.

"What?! Chimamanda exclaimed confused, "You didn't mention that before!"

"And this is exactly why", Brandon yelped.

"Stop it, Amanda. He can sit with us. The more the merrier, right?"
Mia decided.

"Thank you", he said clasping Mia's hands in gratitude as if she had just saved him, as they walked to the cafeteria.

"(Sigh) Whatever", Chimamanda said as she walked forward. "He could have just sat with his numerous friends, but noo, it has to be us", she whispered but in a way that they could both hear her.

"Why are you always so mean to me", Brandon whined.

"Oh, I don't know. You started talking to us after you saw The Prince talking to Mia. So forgive me for being sketchy."

"Wait. Do you think I'm talking to her because I want to use her to get close to Dale or The Three?" Brandon asked confused.

Chimamanda just hummed in response. At this point, Mia was feeling uncomfortable. The thought of that had never crossed her mind.

"It's not like that at all.... I-I admit that I started talking to you guys because of what I saw but that was out of curiosity not a motive. I only stayed because you guys are fun to be with", Brandon said in a heartfelt manner. He was affected by Chimamanda's comment.

"Suuure", Chimamanda looked as though she didn't listen to a word he said... but she secretly did.

"HEY! Are you listening", Brandon complained.

Mia on the other hand, had a comforted expression on her face. "Alright. Let's get to the cafeteria before the line gets too long."

"My Food!" Chimamanda exclaimed as she rushed through, leaving the rest to follow behind.

Halfway through lunch and Chimamanda had already finished eating. Mia and Brandon were almost done though. The table was lively. Mostly filled with Chimamanda and Brandon's bickering.

Chimamanda stood up and faced Mia. "Hey, I'm going to go get it. I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Brandon asked curiously.

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