~1.3. "I have to go. Sorry again. Bye.."

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PS: This chapter is about only HELIA AND FLORA

Flora POV:

"Can we get a drink now? Pleeeeease?" Stella said. 

"STELLA" We all groaned. "What? I'm hungry! >:(" "Fine." Bloom said.  "Okie who's ordering?" I saw everyone look at me immediately. Oh God. "Uhm, can I not go?" Everyone looked at me strangely. "Pleeeeeease? :3" 


"It always has to be me doesn't it. Like always-" I muttered, but then I felt my head hit something hard... or someone. "I'm so sorry!" I said as I looked up. "Oh it's ok- Flora?" It was Helia. Oh God. "Uhm...hi?" I said, embarrassed. "Hi I guess" he said, sarcastically. Oh god. He clearly hated me.. "Uhm...I have to go. Sorry again. Bye.." I said as I ran off. "Wait!" He said, but I ignored him. Clearly he was just trying to be polite. 

By the way guys I'm doing a redo of the scene that just happened just changing it to Helias POV so if u don't wanna see that just scroll down, and read the next chapter bc the whole chapter is helias POV soo yh

Helia POV

"No your so wrong Riven! My sword is better!" Sky said."How am I wrong?! YOU'RE WRONG. MINE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAT IT COULD TAKE YOU OUT IN A SECOND! ALONG WITH YOUR DUMB GIRL!" Riven screamed. "DID YOU JUST CALL BLOOM DUMB?!" Sky said. Oh god. This was becoming a catfight. "YEAH SO WHAT?! ITS TRUE!" Riven stated. "YOU WANNA KNOW WHOS DUMB RIVEN?! MUSA." Sky responded. "MUSA IS NOT DUMB! MUSA IS SMARTER THAN YOUR ASS SKY!" Riven stated.

 "GUYS STOP! BOTH OF YOU!" Brandon said. "Sorry.." they both muttered. "It's okay guys." Brandon said, and after that everyone turned quiet. "Well I'm going to get a drink, anyone wanna come?" I said, trying to cure the tension. "I will." Riven said. "Alright." I said. "Let's go."

 As we started walking, I started daydreaming. I don't want to admit it but god, I can't stop thinking about Flora, her mesmerizing green eyes, her beautiful brown hair, everything about her. God, I sound crazy don't I? But I just can't stop thinking about her...  I don't know what's wrong with me... Just then, I felt something small hit me.. in the stomach.  "I'm so sorry!" I heard someone say. As I looked down, I started; "Oh it's ok- Flora?" I said, shocked.

 It was Flora! Oh...my..GOD this was embarrassing.  "Uhm...hi?" She said, blushing. I smirked. "Hi I guess..." I said sarcastically. For like 10 seconds neither of us said anything, and i saw her expression change to one of hurt, as i was about to say something, and ask what was wrong, she finally blurted out; "Uhm...I have to go. Sorry again...Bye..." "W-Wait!" I said, but she was already gone. 

"BAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I heard someone laugh behind me. Oh god. It was Riven. I had completely forgot he existed! "I GOT IT ALL ON RECORDING!" He said, clearly pleased with himself. "DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!" I said, furious. How dare he?! That was a private conversation. Well, we were in a public cafe. But still! That didn't give him the right to RECORD IT! "ARE YOU KIDDING? ÞOT ONLY AM I KEEPING IT, BUT IM POSTING IT TOO! ON INSTAGRAM!" He said. "DON'T YOU DARE!" "IM KIDDING JEEZ" He said. "Oh." I said, embarrassed about getting so worked up over a video. "Sorry man." "Nah its all good, dont worry." He said. "Thanks" I muttered. "No prob." He replied. 

As we walked back to the table, I heard the guys talking. "So camping it is?" Brandon said. "Oh yeah for sure!" Sky responded. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Riven said. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you and Helia were getting drinks! Where are they by the way..." I sighed. "Long story." I said, glaring at Riven, as he started snickering. "Spill." Sky said. "Since when are we gossip girls- GUYS I mean." Brandon said. "We're not. But we're best friends so we have to know eveeeeerrything. So SPILL!" Sky said. As Riven explained everything, the guys started laughing. And hard. "How is this funny?" I said, kind of annoyed. "No reason. But for reals, you and Flora are such a cute couple!" Brandon said. "True!" Nabu said. "NOT only true, but it's facts! According to my calculations... The chance of you and Flora becoming a couple are 99.7%!" Timmy said so enthusiastically that the whole cafe, including FLORA, heard. I visibly cringed and covered Timmy's mouth.  And then, Brandon nudged me and pointed to Flora, whose eyes were widened, and she was blushing like craaaazy! Riven smirked. "She likes you bro."  "What- N-No she's too gorgeous- I MEAN, she's too hightier." "Sureeee" Riven said, smirking.

 "Guys the girls want us to drop them back home." Brandon said, showing us the millions of texts Stella sent him, asking him to come. "Ugh aren't they fairies?" Riven said. "Yeah but we're there boyfriends soo... we kinda have to." Brandon said. "Correction, you, Sky, Nabu, and Timmy are boyfriends. Me and Helia are single. Well, idk about Helia anymore but I am." "What-" I said, while Riven made this face ;) at me. "Weirdo-" Just then, Stella came up to us. "BRANDONNNNNNN, ARE YOU GONNA DRIVE US HOME OR WHAT." Stella said, dragging Bloom, Musa, Aisha, Tecna, and Flora. "HELP SHES KIDNAPPING US!" Musa said, as all the winx started to laugh. "LET ME GO MOM." Flora said sarcastically, making us all laugh. "No but for reals, TAKE US HOME!" Stella said. "OKAY OKAY" Brandon said, grabbing her then carrying her in a bridal way. Then, so did Timmy, Nabu, Sky, and EVEN Riven. As I turned around, I saw Flora, staring at the sky. "Flora? You ok?" "Huh?" She said as she looked at me. "You okay?" I said. "Yeah!" She smiled. "It's just that..." "Mhm?" "I-" She said. "You?" I said, half serious.

 "Nevermind..." She said as she smiled at me, a fake smile that i saw through immediately. "Anyways, let's stop talking about me, how are you-" She started but I interrupted her, by shushing her with my hand. She looked at my hand, then looked up at me, clearly blushing. "What are you-" She started. "If you dont tell me what's wrong in ten seconds, I'm gonna tickle you, until you do, do you understand?" I said, dead serious. "Like tickle torture?" She said, giggling. "EXACTLY like tickle torture." "Starting the countdown now. 10...9...8..." She tried to run before I ended the countdown, but I wrapped my arms around her waist and stopped her. "5 more seconds left. You sure your not gonna confess?" I said, playfully. "Oh you wish." I smirked. "3...2...1..." As soon as I stopped the countdown, I started tickling her. "Stooooop" She said, laughing. "You gonna tell me what's wrong?" I said, stopping for a minute. "Why do you care so much?" She said seriously, turning around and staring deep into my eyes with her green ones. "Because I care about you! Bestie!" She gasped lightly. "Awh.. Thank you so much Helia" She said, as she smiled at me. "You guys done yet? ;)" Riven said, talking to us. I saw Flora blush in embarrassment "Uhm.." She started. "Shut up Riven." I said. "Goddamn okayy" Riven said. "We can go now." I said.

As everyone got onto their bikes; Bloom went with Sky, Stella with Brandon, Aisha with nabu, Musa with Riven, and tecna with Timmy. "Guys I'll see you later.." Flora said, and started leaving. "Wait! Where are you going Flo?" Bloom said. "To alfea...?" She said. "Why are you walking there?" Stella said, "How else am I supposed to go?" She said. No one responded but everyone looked at me. "Oh" she said, blushing. "Wait helia if your uncomfortable  I don't mind..." She said to me "No it's fine. Come on." I said. "You sure?" She asked, innocently. "Mhm" I said, smiling. "Okay then..." She said as she sat on the back. As we started flying, she wrapped her arms around my waist even tighter. "H-Helia what if we fall-" Flora said, scared. "Dw, I'm being rly careful!" I said. "You sure?" She said. "Yes." I said. "Okay then." She said and laid her head on my shoulder. After a while I asked; "Flora? You ok?" No response. "...flora?" As I looked at her, I saw her, asleep. I smiled to myself. 

God, this is so perfect.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎Where stories live. Discover now