~2.2. Please be okay. I-I love you.."

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A/N note rq.. this chapter is super short bc I have to study for finals for the next week so.. sorry :( 

Helia POV

We arrived at camp and I was very close to kicking Mark in the shin. He was being so horribly annoying. "We're here!" Flora cheered and ran over to the winx as I went to the specialists. "You came late." Riven sneered. "Yeah well." I said and signaled to Mark. Riven nodded and continued talking about God knows what. "Guys I need to go gather some stuff any of you guys wanna come with?" "I will." I said and came. Once we got to the middle of the forest, I screamed. Finally let it all out.

Flora POV

Me and Stella were talking when we heard a scream in the forest. "Uh..." I said. "Should we check it out?" Stella asked. "Hmm.. Sure. Come on." I said. "MAGIC WINX!" We transformed and flew into the forest. Once we arrived, the only thing we saw were two guys. They looked unfamiliar though, however once we flew down, they didn't. "Brandonn!" Stella squealed and I laughed. She went over to him and hugged him. "You guys make such a cute couple!" I teased at her. "Shut up..." She smiled.  "Make me." I smirked. She tried to punch me, softly of course, but I dodged her. "How sad." I laughed. "You're gonna regret that." She smirked. "Why?" I said while laughing.  "Is it a sin to say you guys look cute?" I giggled. "Actually yes. I made that law just now." She said pretending to be serious. "Ah shucks. Anyways apart from you threatening me, hows it going?" I asked her. "Uh.. guys.." Brandon said. "Sorry to interrupt but.. well just look up.." I looked and, oh my god.. 

The trix. 

"Ugh you again?" Stella snapped. "Didn't you miss us?" Icy asked.  "Who is there to miss.." I muttered. "We're here for the power of nature. So either give it or we'll have to take it." Stormy said. "You wish." I said. "Suit yourself." Darcy said. "Hallway of darkness!" She shot at me but I dodged. "Are you okay?" Stella asked the guys. "Yeah but be careful.." Helia said. "Wait..FLORA WATCH OUT!" Helia said.  I was about to say something but got shot in the stomach and tumbled to the floor.  "Flora!" Everyone called out. "I'm fine. Stella, convergence?" I asked. "Great idea!" She squealed. We channeled our power together but something strange happened. "It's.. not...working!" Stella squealed and we crashed to the floor. I immediately got up to help Stella. "Please Stell.. you're not okay.. stay here. I'll handle them." I told her and got up. "Flower......HURRICANE!" I said and channeled my power as they all tumbled to the floor. "You're going to pay!" Stormy said. "Dark hurricane!" She said, and yet again I dodged. "SPHERE OF OBLIVION!" She said but this time I was too late, and I got sent to the floor, but had enough strength to still be standing up.  "ICE COFFIN!" Icy shot, and.. I didn't have time to dodge. "YES! FINALLY! THE POWER OF NATURE! MINE!" She said.  "SISTERS TIME FOR THE REINCARNATION!" They came and started a spell.  "No.." I said. "YOU WITCH. YOU DUMB UGLY WEAK WITCH. LET ME GO!" I spat at her. "SHUT UP!" She said and slapped me. I couldn't believe it. "FLORA!" I heard a voice yell but I didn't even have enough strength to know who. "DONE!" Icy said and I saw a glowing orb in front of me. I don't even know what happened after that, because it all went black.  The only thing I felt was collapsing to the ground and a voice saying; 

"Please be okay. I-I love you.."

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎Where stories live. Discover now