chapter 6: parker-bowles

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diana's pov:
it's been a few months since i moved back into high grove with Charles and, we've been very happy together. Well at least he's been happy with me. I think i'm pregnant. Anyways i haven't noticed Charles sneaking out for ms. parker-bowles but i can't be too sure. I can't trust him nevertheless. I want to meet with camilla and speak to her as i've never met her. I called my secretary. he bowed "yes your royal highness?"
"ring ms. Parker-Bowles and ask her to meet me at Kensington tomorrow at noon for lunch" i continued "i'm sure you already know her landline number from Charles"
"yes of course princess" he started to walk away but turned around to face me
"with all do respect lady diana, why?"
"i'd like to speak with her" i reply
"very well then" he says and walks out of the room.
he comes back a few moments later
"she's accepted your highness"
"thank you, you can go early today"
"thank you very much" he exits the room

Camilla's pov:
The princess of wales has requested my presence for a lunch. Of course i accepted but why would she want me at a lunch? I would say it could be because of me and charles' affair but how could she face me knowing what i've done?

a day later

diana's pov:

i threw on a long floral dress and styled my short blonde hair how i do everyday. I did. my makeup, very little though just mascara eyeliners and blush. I put a coat on and was walked to my car by my guards. this is it diana. She's the one ruining your marriage. You arrive at Kensington at about 11:20 ish.
you set up a picnic outside and prepare food and champagne to chat over. You hear a car pull up in the driveway. It's her. You walk out the door to greet her. She's get out of the car and curtsies to you "your royal highness" she says and stands back up.
"ah you must be camilla"
"why yes i am"
"follow me i have a picnic set up for the two of us" you lead her out to the garden where everything is and motion for her to sit down with you.
"sure why not" she replies with a slight smile
you pour her glass.
"may i ask why you brought me here your highness"
"just diana is fine"
"right" she says visibly annoyed
"anywho, i think we both know why i invited you here ms. parker-bowles" you add "so how long has this affair been going on" you push her a plate of grapes and pull one of off the vine while maintaining deep eye contact.

camilla's pov:
she's gorgeous. her eyes are so deeply blue. Her hair such a beautiful color of blonde. and her voice.. so delicate and soft. No wonder charles' family approved, she's perfect in every aspect. Me.. well i'm just an old cubby woman who nobody likes.
"camilla??" she says as if trying to wake me from a hypnosis state.
"yes...right" i continued "about 1 year your-diana" i was startled by the question. She was so.. well straightforward about it. No hesitation at all. A very intelligent young lady.
"i see" she replies
"i'm very sorry about it lady diana" i hestitated saying that because.. i don't actually know if i was sorry. a perfect prick like her deserves it.
"yes.. right that's what they all say" she stood up
"wait no please sit i want to talk to you" i don't know how or why that came out of my mouth but it did.

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