chapter 19: told

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diana's pov:
"di that's wonderful" he got on his knees and kissed my stomach. I didn't have a noticeable bump yet, i just looked bloated. he got up and his eyes enlarged as if he'd seen a ghost. we stood there in silence for a moment
"charles?" i said trying to get his attention
"what about camilla and james" he asked now pacing and running his hands through his hair.
"we tell them" you say "and break it off with them" he starts walking and gets closer to you
"what?" he says raising his voice
"well... we are back in love arent we" you ask hopefully. He looks down and scratches the back of his neck
"i need to go tell camilla" he says avoiding your question
"aren't you going to answer me?" you say while he's in the middle of putting on his coat. He ignores you once again and walks out the door.

charles' pov:
of course i was excited to have my second child with diana. I loved diana. Atleast i think i did. I couldn't bare to leave camilla. Every time me and di would fight camilla was where i would go. For comfort and well pleasure, im not going to lie. I left diana in our old room and order my driver to take me to the parker-bowles residence because tom and the children were out of town. I got there and walked in
"i haven't seen you in a while"she pulled me into a deep kiss by pulling my tie. I let her have it but i wanted that to be it.
"i need to have a serious talk with you camilla." i said emotionless looking straight at her. she sighed and went to the kitchen
"whiskey?" she asked
"you know me so well" i smiled but quickly put a straight face back on. She came out of the kitchen with a glass of red wine and a small glass of whiskey. then she sat down and so did I.
"soooooo...?" she trailed off wondering what i was about to say.
"your not going to take this well" she lit a cigarette and took a puff while i said this
"go on then" she said blowing a puff of smoke
"well um" i hesitated "i got diana pregnant" i took a sip a whiskey waiting for her response

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