Chapter 4 - Information

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~Meredith's POV~
I woke up quite early, it was around 4:30. I turned over and saw Derek was still asleep. The house was unusually quiet so I got up and took a quick shower. I got out the shower until I felt that my morning sickness was kicking in. I was wrapped up in my towel and stood in-front of the sink knowing I was going to throw up any second. I tried to be as quiet as possible and began to throw up. I clearly wasn't quiet enough as I heard Derek getting out of bed. " Meredith...Mer?" Derek whispered, " you okay?" he asked knocking on the bathroom door. " I'm fine." I replied covering my mouth. " you're clearly not, I'm coming in." He opened the door to see me throwing up. " oh Mer." Derek said calmly. He rushed over to me and got a hair tie and hung up my hair and got me a glass of water. It was a few minutes later, and my morning sickness stopped. I took another quick shower to clean myself up and Derek cleaned the sink. " I'm really sorry Derek, I know this isn't something you would like to wake up to." I frowned getting out of the shower. " no, no Mer it's okay, it happens I honestly don't mind." Derek reassured me, " you're carrying our child so I will do whatever it takes to make sure you too are okay." I looked back at him and smiled.

It was 5:30 and me and Derek went downstairs keeping our mouths shut about the baby. Everyone was downstairs and Derek gave everyone a weird look because of last night. I looked over at him confused on the face he was pulling however I just ignored it. I went to get a piece of toast until Derek stood behind my massaging my shoulders and whispered, " babe, you're eating for 2 now you can just be having a slice of toast." I turned around and glared at him. " but I'm not hungry." He replied with, " I know but the baby might be so I'm going to make you an omelette. " I must admit that does sound nice." I laughed. I sat down at the table and everyone just headed out for work so it was just me and Derek. After breakfast we both went to work.

~ At the hospital ~
We were walking through the hospital doors and I asked, " when are we going to see OB to get me and the baby checked out?" I smiled. " I have a meeting now and a surgery after that so how about after lunch?" Derek explained. " okay that sounds good to me." I answered as I gave him a kiss on his lips. " take it easy and I love you." He said with a big smile on his face. " I love you too." I beamed. We then began to work.


I walked into the locker room and spotted Cristina. " hey, omg how did it go last night!" She said excitedly. " it went very well." I whispered so no one else in the room would hear. " that's great, tell me all about it at lunch because Teddy is paging me." Cristina smiled. I got into my scrubs and Lexie, April, Alex and Jackson came in with Dr.Hunt behind. " okay everybody listens up!" Owen yelled,
" Little Grey you're with Shepherd , Jackson you're with Sloan, Karev you're with Robbins, Kepner and Grey head to the ER." Surprisingly, I was okay with being in the ER because it meant I wouldn't have to stand for so long.

~ 1 hour later~
So far it had been a quiet morning in the ER we only had about 4 patients with minor injuries and a few kids with the flu. I was sitting behind the nursing station and Kepner came over to me and she wouldn't stop talking. " okay April can you just be quiet." I snapped. " oh I'm sorry." She said as a frown grew on her face. " no I am, I'm just tired." I lied, because I knew it was just my hormones. It went quiet for a few minutes until the double doors slammed open. A paramedic yelled " GSW to the chest and abdomen, loss of blood coming from the nose, we thought it was a normal nose bleed when they hit the floor however it's been going on for at least 30 minutes." " okay trauma 2!" Kepner shouted. I followed behind and I put on my gloves. Me and April were helping the patient and we had just paged Neuro and General and Cardio. They all came running in to help so me and April backed away and waited for more patients to arrive. I felt a little light headed so I sat down and did some paper work to get off my feet. Another trauma came in but I was feeling really dizzy. " Kepner could you handle this one?" I asked politely. " uh yeah I can, thanks Grey." April replied. I smiled at her and then finished off the paper work. After I had done that I still felt quite dizzy so went to the Peds floor because it was more quiet and went to lay in an on-call room.
I soon fell asleep. My pager went off and I ignored, even though I shouldn't have but I felt really dizzy. I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep.

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