Chapter 5 - Secret

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~ Meredith's POV~
It had been 2 days and I was officially 4 weeks pregnant. Derek forced me to have the past 2 days off work which annoyed me, but I knew he did it because he cared. I woke up and felt quite good which was a surprise because for the past 2 day my morning sickness has been all over the place. Rolling over, I saw Derek fast asleep. I checked the clock and it said 5:27, the alarm was going to go off in 3 minutes so I decided to wake up Derek myself. I kissed him on the cheek and brushed my hand through his fluffy, brown hair. " hey, wake up." I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. " you okay?" He asked softly. " mhm, I'm feeling great actually." I replied. " that's good." He said in a sleepy voice. The alarm went off and we both got out of bed. " what are you doing?" Derek questioned. " heading to work." I said rolling my eyes. " but..." I interrupted Derek, " Derek I get it, your looking out for me and the baby but it's been 2 days, I'm feeling okay, I'll make sure I eat and drink and I'll take my medication in a few minutes, I can't spend another day in this bed." I explained making it clear that I was going to work if he said so or not. He sighed at me and told me that he was going to check on me every chance he could. I nodded at him and then we got ready for work and headed out.

~ In the car~
" promise me you won't tell anyone about the baby, even Mark." I said looking at Derek. " why not?" He asked with a puzzled look, " it's good news." " Derek I'm not comfortable telling people yet, I don't want to get people's hopes up and then I miscarry, Lucy said I have a high chance of miscarrying so I don't want to tell anyone." I explained as tears formed in my eyes. " but Cristina knows why not Mark, it's just one extra person." Derek begged. I looked at him with tears running down my cheek. " please Derek... we can tell people in a few weeks depending on how things go." I frowned. " okay, okay I promise." Derek said as he put once hand down on my thigh.

~ At the hospital ~
I was looking round for Cristina when I found her next to nurses station talking to Owen. I was listening in on there conversation but I couldn't hear much. She spotted me and dropped the conversation with Owen and began to talk to me. " hey Mer." She said. " hey, umm Cristina have you told anyone about, you know." I asked. " no why?" Cristina questioned. " just please don't tell anyone." I begged. " okay I won't." Cristina replied as she got paged to the ER and I got paged there too. We arrived at the ER and there were loads of attendings, residents and interns. " it's all hands on deck everyone," Derek shouted," we have a bunch of school kids heading our way as there has sadly been a school shooting, now I know this is hard to hear but we need everyone to focus." Derek yelled, " let's get to work!" I walked over to him and smirked, " that was very chiefly and professional." " it was?" He smiled. I nodded and walked away to lay out the bed sheets for the incoming patients. It had been 1 hour and we had a few kids come in until a few minutes later we became really busy, probably the busiest I'd seen it in ages. I was jumping from patient to patient helping them out. Bailey paged me to trauma 1 so I finished talking to a patient and went over to help. " Grey scrub in with me." Bailey ordered." okay." I replied.  We went to OR 4 and I began to scrub in.
" who do we have here?" I asked as I stepped into the OR with Bailey. " 9 year old female, GSW to the abdomen and bleeding around the kidney. Bailey answered. My heart sank as Bailey told me the girls age. I could feel my eyes tearing up, I kept blinking so I hopefully wouldn't cry. " Grey, you good?" Bailey asked as she got handed a scalpel. " yeah just got an eyelash in my eye." I lied.

~Back in the ER~
~Derek's POV~
It had been a while since I had seen Meredith but I kept calm and focused on my patient who had a bullet in their spine and had nerve damage. I paged Dr.Nelson and Dr.Torres to perform the kids surgery. I looked round the ER to see a load of injured children and worried parents. I got called over by Lexie. " hey Derek I have a patient here, her name is Hannah and she seems to be struggling with her speech, I think she may have a brain bleed." Lexie explained. I gave the young girl a neuro exam and ordered a head CT. Lexie was right. " okay Lexie, prep OR 2 and you can scrub in with me." " thanks." She smiled. I headed to OR 2 to see Mer was in surgery and I glanced through the door to see how she was, she looked okay and very focused so I didn't disturb her. I was in the scrub room with Lexie and she asked, " how's Mer she must be so excited?" I was so confused, I thought Mer had only told me and Cristina about the baby." umm... excited about what?" I questioned nervously. "the camping trip... in a few a reward for the 3rd year residents." She replied. " oh yes, that... yeah she's umm excited." I answered. I had completely forgotten about the 3rd year residents trip. I went quiet and so did she. We headed into the OR and I tried to forget about the camping trip until after the surgery.

~Meredith's POV~
We had been in surgery for around 2 hours. My feet began to hurt and my back began to ache. " Grey keep still." Bailey said with an angry tone." " sorry." I frowned. Bailey began to remove the bullet and then a pool of blood filled up in the patient. " suction Grey." Bailey ordered. I began to suction and the patient began to flat line. We charged the paddles twice and finally got a heartbeat. Bailey paged Kepner in to help.

~Derek's POV~
I had finished my surgery on Hannah and went to OR 4 where Mer was working. I walked into the gallery to see Kepner was now in there. I spotted Karev sitting in the first row and went sit beside him.  Karev glared at me. " umm.. I can get back to work." " no no it's okay the patients are all stable apart from this once," I said, " Karev, how long has Mer been in surgery for?" I asked. " I think about 7 or 8 hours." He replied. I began to worry because Mer hadn't ate  or drank for a long time. " why?" Karev questioned. " no reason." I replied.


It had been 30 minutes and I was starting to get worried about Meredith because I could tell her back was hurting by the position she was standing in. I knew I had to find a way to get her out of there.  I walked over to the speaker, " Meredith I'm gonna swap you with Karev." I said looking down at her." She turned around and looked up, " uh why?" She asked. " you know why." I replied. " I'm not leaving, I'm fine." She yelled. " Meredith you need to.." She interrupted me," okay whatever." She said angrily. She gave the clamp to Bokhee and scrubbed out. I waited outside the scrub room for her. She stormed out and walked right past me. " Derek I can't talk to you right now, if you haven't realised I'm quite mad at you, and yes I'll go get and drink and food!" She shouted across the hallway.

~ Meredith's POV ~
I got some food and headed to an on-call room and lay down. I was still annoyed at Derek even though I was quite glad he got me out of there because my feet were throbbing and my back was still aching. I heard a knock on the door. " come in." I said. It was Derek. He sat at the end of the bed and held my hand. " Meredith... I'm really sorry I pulled you out of that surgery but I know you know why I did it, I got worried and wanted to make sure you and the baby had something to eat and drink and got some rest." he explained in a calm tone. I starred deep into his ocean blue eyes. " it's okay." I began to start crying. " hey...hey what wrong?" He asked with a worried look. I sat up and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around me and listened. " it's horrible Derek, young children getting shot anywhere but especially at school, a place where they learn and spend time with friends and then they get shot, it's not fair, what if that happens to our child, what happens if our child gets shot when they go to school?" I sobbed. Derek didn't say anything for a few minutes and just held me in his arms and comforted me. " our child will be loved and cherished and we will keep them safe, I don't want you to worry about these things okay." He smiled reassuring me that everything would be okay.

~ At Meredith's house~
It had been a long day and me and Derek got home, I took my medication and climbed into bed. Me and Derek were still in our normal clothes but were to tired to get undressed. Me and Derek lay next to each other and soon fell fast asleep.

 Me and Derek lay next to each other and soon fell fast asleep

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^^ Mer and Derek in bed together.

A/N I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter I wasn't sure on what to write however for chapter 6 I will try to make it more exciting. I don't when I'll write chapter 6 but I'll try writing it as soon as. <3
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