Chapter 12- Where is she?

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^^ 3:00am Meredith and Derek

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^^ 3:00am Meredith and Derek

~Derek's POV~
I was fast asleep, dreaming of ferry boats until I heard my pager go off. I opened my one eyes and turned it off hoping it wouldn't wake Mer, as I knew if it did she would be grumpy all day. I turned off my pager and slowly and quietly got out of bed. Mer was sound asleep and all warm and snug. I went into the bathroom and got changed into my blue shirt and jeans, got my black blazer on and got what I needed and headed out. I got in the car and looked at the time, 3:18am. I yawned before stepping on the pedal and drove to work. As soon as I got to work, I headed to the ER passing my stuff to the nurse and quickly grabbing a apron and gloves. I darted to trauma 2 to see the patient that I had been asked to look at. I accessed the injuries to find a brain bleed near the optic nerve so I headed straight to the OR with Lexie as she was on my service. We quickly got scrubbed and did the surgery.
We had finished the surgery and the time was now 7:54. After I had spoken to the patients family I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast and texted Mer that I was at the hospital.
~Meredith's POV~
I woke up around 8:15 and checked my phone to see Derek was at work. I slowly sat up and felt slightly dizzy. I tried to ignore it and got out of bed but then fell back down. Not only that, I had a painful headache so I just lay back in bed. I placed my hand on my head, then my stomach and starred at the ceiling trying to make the room stop spinning. The pain got worse and I just closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

~Derek's POV~
It had been a few hours and I was looking round for Meredith as her shift started at 8:30 and it was now 9. I headed to the resident's locker room and spotted Kepner and Avery, " hey you seen Mer by any chance?" I questioned. "no I haven't seen her." They both said at the same time. I walked out to see if I could find Cristina because she'd probably be with her. I had probably gone round the hospital like twice and couldn't find Cristina or Meredith. I went past the OR board to see Cristina was in surgery with Dr.Altman so I went to see if Mer was in the gallery, but she wasn't. I tried not to panic as I knew I was overreacting. She probably overslept or there's traffic. I thought to myself. I went to the CT scan where I got paged by Dr.Robbins. I checked over some scans, she showed me of this 13 year old boy. He needed a Craniotomy so we booked the OR straight away. We had been in the OR for around 45 minutes and I couldn't stop thinking about Meredith. It got to the point when I was so worried I paged Dr.Nelson to swap places with me. Once we had swapped place I went to the nurses station and called Meredith for the 5th time and still no answer. I asked a few people around the hospital to see if she had been seen. I was leaning again the nurses station when Richard walked over to me, " Meredith hasn't shown up to work his morning? Is she okay?" he asked with a concerned look. "I don't know Richard, I'm worried myself, this morning I left for work early and texted her, she read my message but hasn't replied, I've been calling her and looking around the hospital for her and I don't where she is or if she's okay." I frowned, " I know I've got a busy schedule but I was wondering if I could go home and see if Mer was there." "Of course Shepherd, make sure she's okay." Richard said placing his hand on my shoulder then walking off.

~At Meredith's house~
I arrived at the house calling out Meredith's name. I checked downstairs and she wasn't there so then I quickly rushed upstairs. At first I check our bedroom and she wasn't in bed but spotted the bathroom door was open. I dashed over to the door to see Meredith on the floor, unconscious. I kneeled down beside her and check for a pulse, which seemed alright, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance I brushed her hair, that smelt like lavender, out of her face and gently lifted her head up in my hands.
It had been 10 minutes and the ambulance had arrived. As I watched the paramedics pull her into the ambulance I felt tears form in my eyes. I sat in the ambulance holding her hand and starring at her stomach, hoping and praying that everything was okay. We arrived at the hospital and there was, Richard,Bailey, Cristina and Arizona waiting for us. We all rushed Meredith into the hospital and we headed to patient room 1698. Arizona lifted Mer's shirt and I stood in the corner with Cristina standing next to me. Richard was watching through the window telling everyone to get back to work and Bailey stood next to Meredith.
"Well?" Cristina asked starring at Arizona.
I just stood in silence trying not to have a mental breakdown even though I think I was nearly past that point.
"Wait a second." Arizona said placing the wand on Meredith's abdomen. Bailey had ran some tests to see why Mer had collapsed, however the tests weren't back yet so we were just waiting for her to wake up and to see if the baby was okay.
"Okay so the baby seems alright, however they do have a slow heart beat so we will keep the baby monitored." Arizona explained wiping off the gel. I took a deep breath when Alex walked in with Meredith's test results. I glared at him with my body full of worry. Before he explained what had happened I walked up to Meredith's pale body and held her hand. Alex gave the tests to Bailey, "luckily it doesn't look to serious, Meredith is just extremely dehydrated." Bailey said starring at the scans. Me and Cristina took a sigh of relief glad that Meredith didn't have anything to serious.

~Two weeks later~
Meredith had been home for a week and I stayed with her to make sure she was getting enough fluids. She was around 19 weeks and her bump was getting bigger each day. This morning I woke up earlier than Meredith as I had a phone call from my mom. I climbed out of bed and answered the phone quickly so it wouldn't wake up Meredith and I headed downstairs in the kitchen and sat on the stool.
D: "ma?"
C: "Derek Christopher Shepherd it has been months since I have spoke to you and you haven't bothered to call me or any of your sisters?!"
D: "sorry ma I've been busy with being chief and stuff."
C: "chief? My son became chief?"
D: " well I was chief but I quit my job for personal reasons."
C: "what personal reasons? Is everything alright?"
D: "erm yeah everything's fine."
C: " erm okay anyways son, me and your sisters were wondering if you and Meredith wanted to come round for Christmas."
D: "wow umm I mean it would be nice..but I have to ask Meredith but I can't right now because she's asleep and to be honest I should as well as it's 3 in the morning."
C: "sorry dear, just call me soon as you too have made your minds."
D: "okay ma, love you."
C: "love you too son."
I put down the phone and saw Meredith standing at the kitchen door, I hadn't even realised that she was there, she was so quiet. I turned round on the chair, "how much of that did you hear?" I questioned...

A/N sorry it's been a while since I have published. Lately I've been struggling on what to write but now I'm going with the idea of A Christmas with the shepherd family. I have seen this idea from other stories I have read however I will make it my own.
I hope this chapter made sense and that you are enjoying this story xx
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