Chapter 15- Shopping Spree

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After an hour of me and Derek dancing to different songs we soon fell asleep. The next morning, I was woken up by the alarm and Derek beside me. I let out a sigh and turned off the alarm when I saw 7:00 in big, red bold letters. Derek rolled over and brushed my hair out of my face.

"I guess we should get ready to go shopping." I yawned.

"We should." He mumbled, while also yawning.

We both stumbled out of bed and got ready. I wore a pair of Derek's jeans as none of mine would fit and I wore one of his jumpers. Derek headed downstairs and I followed behind him. We both went into the kitchen to eat breakfast and met April and Jackson in there.

"What are you guys doing up so early? I thought you didn't start work until 1 or something." Jackson asked while munching on a piece of toast.

"We're going shopping for Meredith as none of her clothes fit her." Derek answered.

Nudging him, I whispered," Shut up!"

"I find it sweet." April smiled.

"of course, you do April, of course you do." Jackson chuckled to himself.

"Whatever." I growled and sat down at the table.

Derek went over and made us both cereal and we ate. I didn't say much because I wasn't in the mood for talking. After we ate breakfast, we drove to the shops.

Once we arrived at shops, we both headed to the maternity area, hand in hand, to get clothes that would actually fit me. I sat down and a chair that was in the corner of the room while Derek kept looking round for clothes to fit me. I really wasn't impressed.

"Meredith you should try on these." Derek smiled grabbing a bunch of clothes off the rail.

"Seriously Derek? They all look horrible; I wouldn't want to be seen dead wearing any of those." I rolled my eyes.

"Mer c'mon just try them on they might not look that bad." Derek tried to persuade me.

Sighing, "Fine Derek, I'll try them on but doesn't mean I like them."

One by one I tried each piece of clothing and Derek complemented each of them. To be honest they weren't that bad, but they could have been better.

I got down to my last outfit I needed to try on. Once I had put it on, I showed Derek.

"You look amazing!" Derek smiled.

"I mean it's the best one so far." I turned back around and looked in the mirror. I glared down at my growing bump and let out a smile, "We can get this outfit and there we're a few other clothes I liked that I tried on earlier." I admitted.

"Okay, well sort out the clothes you would like and the clothes you don't, and I'll pay for them." Derek offered.

"You don't have to pay for all of them." I responded as I began to undress back into Derek's jeans and jumper.

"Meredith, I want to pay for all of them, I love you and I love our baby, so I don't care about how much it costs I just want you to be comfortable and happy." Derek lovingly said getting out his credit card from his wallet.

I got out of the changing rooms and smiled at Derek and pecked him on his lips, " I love you so much Derek."

"I love you too Meredith." Derek beamed.

I quickly sorted out the clothes that I wanted and the clothes I didn't and soon enough me and Derek were walking out of the shop with 4 full bags of clothes.

We shoved all the bags in the boot and hopped into the car. While we were heading home, we were right Infront of a baby shop because we were stuck in traffic. I stared at Derek," Derek...can we pleaseee go look in there."

"As much as I would like to, we can't because we have work in an hour." Derek replied.

"Pretty please, I'll be quick, we'll be quick." I begged.

Dereks head turned to me and saw the need in my eyes," Okay yes, yes we can go and have a look in there."

We turned into the baby shop's parking lot and parked right outside the shop. Derek and I got out of the car and went inside. "Mer, we can look round and get some stuff, but I think it would be best if we got furniture another time as there won't be enough room in the car." Derek explained.

"Okay that's fine." I nodded dragging Derek to the toy section.

"Omg Derek look it's a ferry boat plushie." I grinned grabbing it off the shelf.

"Oh, my that's so cute, we must get that!" Derek exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

He placed it in the basket, and we looked round for more plushies. Next thing we knew we had a basket full of plushie's. "Mer don't you think this is too much." Derek asked.

"Derek you can never have to many plushies." I replied.

Derek nodded and placed his hand around my shoulder, and we headed to the nappy section. After 40 minutes of shopping for baby things and being enchanted by the magic of it all, we headed home to get all the stuff we brought, out of the car so we could go to work. We rushed to work as we were already 10 minutes late.

A/N So I was thinking of deleting this story as I don't really like it but then I thought it wouldn't be fair on the people who are actually reading it. What I'm going to do is continue this story but try to skip a few weeks of Mer's pregnancy so I can finish it and start writing a new story and make that one better. Love you guys' x

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What if there wasn't a shooting || mer and derekOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora