Chapter 8- Small Change

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~4 weeks later~

~Meredith's POV~
A few things have changed within the past couple of weeks. I'm now 10 weeks pregnant and the hospital all know about my pregnancy. I'm glad to say, I no longer have a hostile uterus so I don't have to take any medication and Derek is no longer chief, as he wanted to focus more on being a neurosurgeon, a husband and a father so he passed the job back to Richard now he was a recovering alcoholic and 6 months sober.

So far my day was going quite smoothly, I had woken up without needing to throw up ( for once ),and had my breakfast and got to work early, ready to kick ass some surgery. It was around 9, I had already scrubbed in on an appendectomy with Bailey and finished some of Dereks post-ops so I went in the ER and sat down behind the desk to rest my feet. I was doing paperwork when I heard someone call my name, " hey Grey, get over here we need your help!" Owen shouted as he walked into trauma 2 pushing a gurney. I went over to him as fast as I could and put on some gloves. " 45 year old male, looks like a blow to the head, muffled chest sounds and a possible hip fracture." Owen explained. I paged Teddy,Derek and Callie to come and help. They arrived a few minutes later with Cristina walking behind Teddy. We were all assisting the patient and Teddy said, " we need to get him to an OR now for a CABG," " Yang I want you to scrub in with me." " no disrespect Dr.Altman but this is my patient." I said looking at Cristina and Teddy.Teddy looked at Owen. " Yang you go scrub, Grey you can go find another patient." I then looked over at Derek furiously. Derek looked back at me
"I'm sorry." He mouthed and then they all headed to the OR. ' I guess my day was no longer going smoothly'Once they left trauma 2 I then followed them and sat in the gallery. I was watching the surgery and knew that I should be in there. " hey." I turned round to see Lexie. " what do you want?" I snapped. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." " Mer it's okay, I know you should have been in there, I would be feeling the same rage as you if I was in your position." She smiled. We started to talk and then Mark walked in the gallery, " Big Grey, little Grey." he smiled. We both smiled back however I knew Lexie still had a thing for him. I starred at Lexie and giggled. " what?" Lexie questioned. " you and Mark." I whispered. " no I'm over him." Lexie insisted. " sure you are." I laughed. All of a sudden there was a beeping sound coming from the OR, me, Lexie and Mark all watched as the patient began to code. It had been 14 minutes and there was still a flatline so Callie called time of death, " 13:49." The OR and the gallery went silent.

Derek just scrubbed out of the surgery and I walked past the scrub room as he walked out. "Meredith!"he shouted down the hallway. I continued walking and just ignored him, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.
I went over to the nurses station and got out one of Baileys patients charts and got out my favourite pen that Derek brought me last Christmas, which I know it's a normal pen however to me it wasn't. I began to chart until I felt a bit dizzy so I sat down behind the nurses station and continued to chart. I raised my one eye to see Cristina walk past. She sat beside me and began to chart as well, "he was my patient." Cristina whispered. I slowly looked up at her in disbelief. " no he wasn't your patient because I was assigned to his case first." " but I'm on Teddy's service so if she's doing the surgery he's my patient." Cristina said raising her voice. " okay Cristina I get it, you think your a cardio god and all, but your not, you walk round the place acting like you own it." I yelled. We started to argue, creating a big scene in front of alot of doctors and nurses." okay Cristina whatever, I've had it with you stealing surgeries and acting like you've done nothing wrong, be the shark because you've been the shark since day once." I shouted and began to walk away. " yeah right, says you." She responded. She pulled my last string I then did something I didn't think I was ever going to do. I ran towards her and hit her in the face and the Cristina hit me back and we began to fight. We kept hitting each other and then next thing you know she punched me to the ground. That's when Derek, Owen, Mark and Jackson came sprinting over to us. " guys quit it!" Jackson said. "Mer are you okay?" Derek questioned as he helped me up. Owen grabbed Cristina and took her away." what are you starting at?" Mark shouted at everyone, " get back to work." I then ran off to a nearby on-call room and Derek chased after me.

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