Chapter 14 - It's nearly Christmas

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It was nearly Christmas meaning I was going to meet the whole of Derek's family very soon. Derek kept telling me everything was going to be alright, but that's what he always says, and I wasn't really worried about them meeting me, I was more worried about them finding out I was pregnant. I mean I'm too far along to try hide my bump and if Mrs Shepherd knew me and Derek were hiding her Grandson from her, she certainly wouldn't be happy. 

We were lying in bed thinking of ways to tell Derek's family I was pregnant, and Derek had many ideas. "How about a few days before we visit, we send them a present saying you're pregnant." Derek suggested.

"Why don't we just call your mom now and tell her and then she can tell your family." I sighed looking at Derek, " I mean there's no point in making a big deal about it."

Derek looked back at me, "I guess you're right, and if they're mad at me, they're mad at me."

"I'm always right." I chuckled, handing Derek the phone. 

"Sure, you are." Derek replied taking the phone from my hand. In a few rings Derek's mom answered and the room went silent.

D: "Hey mom, how are you?"

C:  "Hey Derek, I'm good thanks, why are you calling me?"

D: "Is it not okay for a son to call his mother?"

C: "Of course it's okay dear but trust me it's rare for you to call me, anyways what's up?

D: "Well...Mom me and Meredith have been hiding something from you, well mostly me but I think it's time to tell you."

C: "Oh no Derek don't tell me you're having a divorce."

D: "No! No! We're not going to get a divorce it's nothing bad, just let me finish. So, I'm just going to get straight to it. Meredith is Pregnant."

C: "... That's great news Derek! You're going to be a father."

D: "You're happy about this?"

C: " Yes of course I am, my son is going to become a father plus I'm used to having so many grandkids."

D: " I'm glad you're happy ma."

C: "You're going to be a great father however I have to go now and go Christmas shopping so goodbye."

D: " Bye ma! See you at Christmas." 

Derek then ended the call placing his phone on the bedside table, "well that went better than expected."

"What did she say? I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"She said she was happy for us and that is was good news." Derek explained as he lay on his side staring deep into my eyes. 

I smiled and took a sigh of relief, " I guess it's not going to be bad after all, now I'm kind of excited to meet your family."

"Don't get too excited because having a truck load of sisters can be a lot to handle." Derek laughed, placing one hand on my stomach, "We should get some sleep because we have work in a few hours."

I nodded. We both dove under the covers and soon fell asleep.

~The next day~

I had been at work for a few hours and first thing I did was tell Cristina about what happened last night. Cristina seemed pleased about the news, but I think she was pleased that now I could stop nagging at her about it each day. Today I was on a case with Mark, and I wasn't really looking forward to it as I wasn't really into plastics, but I had no choice. I met Mark in room 2956, which was the room our patient was in. I was surprised to see Dr.Robbins in there until I realised our patient was a child, which meant today was going to be a tuff day because of my stupid hormones. I went through the patient's chart and then did some of Mark's post-ops and prepared for Adam's surgery (Mark and Arizona's patient). After I had scheduled Adam's surgery, I went to April's office which she had because she was now chief resident. However, it was April's office but most of the residents went in there anyway to relax, eat and talk. I sat by her desk going through her snack draw when Alex came in.

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