Dating season

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Also I apologize for the lack of kid friendliness in the last chapter I hope not to do that again in this story.
This chapter will be happier, but also a milestone for Anne and yns relationship.
Get ready this might take me a while...

It's been maybe a week since anne and yns.. little 'argument', and their relationship hasn't gotten any better. It mostly consists of them attempting a conversation with small talk and Anne asking 24 times a day, 'Yn, it's been exactly 168 hours since you've talked to me, have you forgiven me yet?!? Are you still thinking?? Please talk to me!!!!',
Yn found it annoying but, in some way it comforted her to know that anne cared about their friendship. Or whatever you wanted to call their relationship now,
Or just 'sorta friends going through a rough patch'? But that's too long, so you can just call it SFGTRP.

The SFGTRP's still went on their weekly adventures but they were always... different..
"Why do we always hang out in the woods? You have a perfectly good living room." Anne asked sprig as the three kids walked through the forest.
"Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature, woohoo!"
Anne watched a large spider eat a ladybug,
"Yeah, exactly."

As they continued down the rough path a bush beside them rustled. Sprig stopped the two girls,
"Stay back, it could be a blood sucking predator." He then picked up a pointy stick from the ground, holding it out like a sword as he moved the bushes to see what was behind them.
"Your really not selling me on this place"
A weird squash fruit thing sat there, it had long scraggly sticks for hair and a silly face drawn on it.
"Oh no, it's an-"
"AMBUSH!!!" Someone yelled from above, we looked up and saw a short yellow frog hiding in the shadows. Before anybody could do anything she tackled sprig from the trees.
"I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!" Sprig yelled,
"Haha!" The frog laughed emerging from the bushes, finally showing us that she was a yellow girl frog about sprigs age.
"Hey ivy, nice ambush. Gourd in a wig? Classic!"
Ivy chuckled, "can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick."
"Well, guilty as charged." They both laughed.
"Oh my god I can't watch this" Yn said as she turned around and pretended to be interested in something else.
Anne loudly cleared her throat, it was obvious what was coming next.
"Oh, Ivy meet anne. Oddity from another world." He said holding up Anne's arm, "that's also her friend, yn, also a weirdo from another world." "Anne, yn, meet Ivy. Childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner."
"Hey Ivy," Anne greeted
"Hey, I've seen you around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?"
"Not at all,"
"Well what about you?" She asked looking at yn.
"Hate it actually."
"Well, too bad. Cya later sprig, but you won't see me." She said, then hopped away into the woods, sprig seemed to watch with stars in his eyes.

"Well, well, well, she's kinda cute huh?" Anne asked.
"... I don't know what your talking about." Sprig said walking away.
"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well"
"Your being weird anne!"

"We're home!" Anne yelled as they walked through the door to the planters house. Yn started walking to the basement door, that's where she spends her time most of her days. Amen grabbed yns hood and pulled her back.
"Cmon yn this'll be fun." Anne whispered. Yn huffed but didn't argue any farther.
"What have you three been doing? I've been looking for you all morning!" Hop pop said angrily walking down the stairs.
"Oh, nothing.... Except, sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!" Anne yelled
Hop pop gasped, "no kidding?"
"Anne, it's not like that. Ivy sundew and I are just friends."
"Ivy sundew? Nobody move! I'm getting the courtship kit!" Hop pop ran back upstairs in a hurry.
"This is so exciting! I'm gonna go get my dating magazines. BRB!!" Anne ran out of the room.
"I don't actually care." Yn said
"Yeah that's what I figured" sprig agreed.

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