You're Gettin' Lost, You're Gettin' High

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Lin cruised through her route, making sure to keep her eye out for anyone who looked suspicious.

She was about to call it a night and head back to the station when she saw a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk.

"Kya?" Lin rolled her window down and yelled out.

"Shit." Kya mumbled under her breath and started picking up her pace.

"Hey, slow down! I'm not gonna arrest you." Lin got out of her car and followed Kya.

"Well, there's a surprise. But don't be giving me special treatment because you're dating my brother." Kya said.

"So, you get upset when I try to do my job and hold you accountable, but you're also going to get upset if I stop pursuing you? I'm starting to think that maybe you're just looking for reasons not to like me." Lin folded her arms.

Kya stopped walking and whipped around. That's when Lin noticed her entire body was shaking, and she looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Maybe I'm just tired of you following me and my family around like a lost dog? Maybe I'm tired of not being able to walk around my own neighborhood without having to run a marathon every fucking time, Lin!? It's weed, it's not that big of a fucking deal! I am so sick and tired of seeing you everywhere I go. I-I mean, on my walks, at the store, God I couldn't even enjoy movie night with my brother without you crashing the fucking party!" Kya screamed in Lin's face.

Lin was surprised and stunned at the outburst. She took a couple of steps back. "I-I'm sorry..." She said quietly.

Kya was breathing heavily. She shook her head before turning back around and continuing her walk home.

Lin stood on the sidewalk in silence. What was she even supposed to say after that? Was she still supposed to keep this behavior a secret from Tenzin?

His sister hated her, and Lin wasn't sure she did anything to deserve it.

Lin realized she was around Kya's family a lot since she and Tenzin started dating, but was she really that much of an inconvenience to Kya?

She shuffled back to her car silently.

Kya sat in the kitchen, drinking tea and playing the sudoku on the morning paper.

"Morning." She said as Tenzin walked in.

"Hey. The end of the movie was good a couple of weeks ago. You should've stuck around. Or at least made plans last week to watch a movie with me." Tenzin poured a cup of tea.

"Yeah well, didn't want to end up third wheeling again." Kya said, scribbling the newspaper.

"You didn't have to third wheel. You could've joined in on the conversation." Tenzin rolled his eyes.

Kya scoffed before taking a drink of tea.

"What's your problem, anyway? Why do you hate Lin?" Tenzin snapped his head around.

Kya stayed quiet. She couldn't tell Tenzin the real reason or he'd run off and tell Mom and Dad.

"I don't." So, she lied.

"Well, you don't seem to like her. You're either cooped up in your room or giving snarky comments and rude looks when Lin is here." Tenzin said.

"Maybe I just don't like it when someone invades my space." Kya slammed her pencil down.

"No one is 'invading your space', Kya. Quit being so dramatic! I'm sorry I wanted to watch a movie with my sister and my girlfriend. It's not that big-"

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