Now I am Stuck Between my Anger and the Blame that I Can't Face

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Kya's head hurt. It's been hurting for days. She had barely left her room, she stopped going down for dinner. Her mother has tried coaxing her out with her favorite dishes, but Kya just doesn't have the appetite.

She laid down on her back, staring at the ceiling.

Bumi's come in a few times, but Kya didn't pay attention to a word he said.

How stupid is this? Pitying herself for something that was entirely her fault? It's idiotic in Kya's opinion. Tenzin has every right to hate her and so does Lin.

Spirits, she hasn't even spoken to Lin. She wouldn't dare shoot her a message after last week's shit show. And she expected Lin had the same idea.

She felt like she was going to be sick. No matter how heavy her eyes were, she couldn't fall asleep. And the weight on her chest just kept getting heavier and heavier.

A subtle knock drew her from her spiraling thoughts, "Hey, Sis." Bumi opened the door. "Hey, I got us something." He shut the door and walked closer to the bed. He looked at his sister curled up in her blankets. "Alright, let's see here," Bumi crouched down at Kya's nightstand and opened the drawer. He lightly patted Kya's legs, signaling her to move them so he could sit down.

"Hey... I wanted to apologize to you, Kya. If I wasn't so busy trying to tease my sister, I would've realized what was happening, and I'm sorry." He said, a familiar smell filling the room.

"Bumi, Dad's home." Kya mumbled through her blankets.

Bumi's snorting laugh cause her to pull the blanket down and look at him. "You think Dad doesn't know?" He asked.

Kya let out a small sigh. "Great, so not only do they know I'm gay, now they know I do drugs too."

"Eh, only Dad knows you do drugs." Bumi said, trying to lighten the mood.

Kya side eyed him.

"Come on, sit up and light this." He held the freshly rolled joint out to Kya.

Kya let out another sigh before slowly taking the blanket off of her torso. She grabbed her lighter and took the joint from his hand, putting it in her mouth, and lighting it.

After a couple hits she handed it to Bumi, who was standing up to open the window.

"I really fucked things up, huh?" She asked. Bumi thought for a second. "No, I don't think you did anything wrong. Tenzin's the one throwing a bitch fit 'cause his girlfriend is gay for his sister." Smoke came out of his mouth as he talked.

Kya scoffed defeatedly, "Lin isn't gay for me... She loves Tenzin." She said, taking the joint from Bumi's reached out hand. Bumi raised his eyebrows, unconvinced of that statement.

"Besides, Tenzin has every right to be upset. I never should've said anything about how I feel."

"Yeah, but you didn't say how you felt," Bumi flicked the ashes, "Tenzin went through your personal notebook. Invasion of privacy isn't your fault. I mean, not like you acted on your feelings or anything?" He shrugged.

Kya stared down at her hands.

"Wait, Kya, you didn't make a move in Lin, right? -"

"No, no! Of course not!" Kya thought for a second, "At least I don't think so... not directly-"


"Look, Bumi, I don't know! Everything feels so jumbled up in my head, I don't remember if I crossed a line!" Kya held her head in her hands. "If I did... Lin didn't say anything..." She said.

Bumi paused for a moment. "I'm sorry. I came here to cheer you up and now it seems I'm putting you in more turmoil than before." He said.

"No, Bumi. It's okay. I know you're just trying to help in your own way." Kya pushed her hair out of her face.

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