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Jimin pov

I was sitting with Younghoon he's the soldier who's always with me, he's been my friend in my loneliness for the past two months ... yeah it's been two months since V left and I wouldn't lie if I said I miss him cuz I do, I really do...

The first days of his absence were miserable and irresistible in this prison, if it were not for Younghoon to approach me, the colonel had ordered him to look after me in his absence, I was so happy hearing that at least he cares.

"We are in the middle of autumn now, what's the war circumstance outside, is there any news?" I asked him while we were sitting sharing breakfast. He nodded excitedly
"I don’t know about the state of war, but an order was sent for a number of us to join the battalion instead of the wounded soldiers, and I will be one of them." He smiled widely, for the first time I saw someone so eager to die...

"Why are you so happy to go?" I asked surprised, he wiped his mouth and answered me
"This is my dream Jimin, I always wanted to fight a battle under the colonel's command, just being in his battalion is unbelievable, let alone fighting side by side with him?" The sparkle in his eyes when he answered as if describing his role model to life, is this V's effect?

"Do you like the colonel that much?" I asked him and he shook his head no
"I don't like him, I love him that much,"  Why do I feel like my heart clenched? Because he said he loved him? maybe I'm jealous ?...

He noticed my silence and continued, "Don’t get me wrong, I just love him as a leader and warrior, I’ve always dreamed of becoming like him." He smiled at me as if he reassure me, did I show that I'm upset or what?

"I know I ask a lot, but what is the reason behind all this love for the colonel?" I said with a little embarrassment and a lot of curiosity.

"He saved my life and the soldiers life too" I tilted my head for details, so he straightened up in his seat.
"We had lost our families in the second world war, we became homeless and suffered a lot at that time, and when the war ended, we were taken to the orphanage. I was thirteen when a commander came with V. He was young back then, perhaps nineteen or twenty. He was selected as the youngest commander in the military school, so he was asked to form a team. To train and include in the army, so he chose people from the orphanage who wanted to join, I am still wondering why orphans in particular, but I couldn't find an answer, only V knows, I agreed to go with them, I didn't want to stay there." He smiled a little and then continued

"The colonel took us and took care of us. He taught us how to build a strong personality and a fighting spirit. Because of him, we became people of value to rely on. He was our family and friend, despite his strictness and dominance, we loved him as much as we feared him, and here we are the most powerful battalion in the northern army."

The whole time he's been talking about V I can feel my heart flutter, every time I discover something about him I like him more despite his vile narcissism.
Then an idea popped into my head, "May I ask for something?" I asked and he nodded quickly, "I want a pen, paper, an envelope, and a favor from you!" He giggled, knowing exactly what I want.
"okay" he winked at me, my cheeks turned red ... shit I'm exposed.

Somewhere near the Sino-Korean border, the Colonel's battalion is scattered at various locations targeting the American bases deployed there, where the rest of the soldiers have joined the team.

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