스물 아홉

214 27 6

Love's Intoxication


Jimin's pov

I awoke to the interplay of shadows and sunlight, and an empty space around me. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed Taehyung standing, clad in his clothes, the orchestrator of the shifting shadows. My gaze fixated on his bare back, now adorned with more scars than I remembered from our last encounter.

He swiftly secured the belt of his pants, donning a light white shirt tucked into them, followed by a dark blue wool sweater.

He looked very elegant in black and blue, captivating my attention. He turned towards me, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Enjoying the view, I see?" he inquired, raising a sly eyebrow. I smiled, a longing for these familiar gestures washing over me.

"Would the Colonel mind that?" I replied with a question. He returned the smile, then leaned down, effortlessly lifting me off my feet, eliciting a surprised gasp from me.

He enveloped both my legs around his waist, lifting me effortlessly, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"The Colonel is at your command, sir," he responded, planting a kiss on my neck that sent a tickling sensation to my ears.

I laughed, showering his face with kisses, savoring his distinctive square smile. In that moment, I realized how much I adore him and how foolish I had been to push him away upon his return. A poignant thought crossed my mind, the fear that if I hadn't caught up with him at the airport, I might have lost him forever, crushing my heart.

That thought compelled me to hug him tighter.

"What's wrong ?" he inquired at my sudden movement.

"I love you so much, Taehyung." Was my only answer.

He gently pulled me away, whispering, "I do too," in front of my lips before capturing them with his own. I love his kisses. Placing me on the bed without breaking the kiss, he then moved away completely.

"I'll prepare breakfast. Get ready and join me," he said, ruffling my hair before heading to the kitchen.

Swiftly, I entered the bathroom, showered, and then approached my closet for clothes. However, my attention shifted to Taehyung's suitcase, sparking an idea that brought a smile to my face. I opened it, browsed through the clothes, and settled on an earth-colored wool sweater, undoubtedly three times larger than mine.

I draped the oversized sweater over myself, its length reaching my knees. Without pants, I made my way to the kitchen, where I found my lover frying eggs. I approached from behind, embracing him.

"I forgot to say good morning, my love," I muttered with a frown.

"I love you is enough for me," he replied, turning to appraise my appearance, a smile spreading across his face.

"What a thief you are," he laughed as he finished his cooking. I smiled, closing my eyes and resting my head on his back.

"And whose fault is it if I'm in love with my lover's clothes?" I replied.

"No one has the right to hold you accountable," he chuckled. "Sit down; I'll serve the food." He leaped to the table where I awaited my meal.

As he plated the food, I observed Taehyung. "Tae?" I called, and he responded, "Why do you like to wear this style of clothing?" I inquired about his consistent fashion, characterized by wide pants akin to military trousers, and rugged combat boots.

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