열 다섯

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"What do you think of the meeting proposal?" Namjoon questioned, he was returning with the colonel from the conflicting parties' meetings at the 38th parallel, where the war had begun for the first time.

"I didn't like the decision, we start a war hoping for victory and unification of our country land so that Korea would become united under the banner of Pyongyang, not to join these damned peace negotiations," V replied with displeasure, continuing to walk towards the building in which his office was located.

"You know Tae, if all parties agree to peace, you will benefit from it," the lieutenant put his hand on his comrade's shoulder, smiling, then put it back in his pocket.
Taehyung stopped and turned to him, with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look, "And how am I going to benefit Mr. Dimple?" he asked arms crossed.

"Peace means the end of the war, and when the war is over, hostages will be freed, and Jimin will be free too, so you can take him with you to the north and live there in peace," he explained logically, the other turned around and resuming his way.
"You think it's that easy, Joonie? Many forces are involved in this conflict, and not everyone will be satisfied with concluding a peace agreement for their benefit, and even if they work to achieve that, it will take years of negotiation" he let out a deep breath thinking about his situation with his bird, their fuzzy future together makes his heart clench.
They reached the door and found Younghoon standing there leaning against the wall.

The two comrades looked at each other before the colonel uttered, "What are you doing here, Younghoon?" V's voice snapped the other out of his thoughts and he stood ready to salute his commanders.

"Sir, you weren't in? I was waiting for Jimin, he came in the morning to see you." He said confused, as he was knocking and no one answered him, so he thought maybe they both had something special, so he didn’t want to interrupt them.

"I didn't call him, he knows I'm heading to an important meeting." Threads of worry began to wrap around his heart
"Maybe he wanted to surprise you," Namjoon said, trying to banish any bad thoughts from his friend's mind.

Without another word, the colonel rushed to his empty office, then to his bedroom, looking around and on the bed, but there was no one. He went to the bathroom calling jimin's name, but there was no response.
He held his breath and muffled a scream that almost emanated from the depths of his soul. He felt shivers of fear cut his heart and tear his guts.
He had many thoughts: Is he losing his baby so quickly!!.

He exploded in anger with a loud voice, as if the river was roaring in its frenzy.
The thought of someone getting their hands on his properties makes him angry, and sparks fly from his eyes, the veins in his neck twitch, and his muscles stiffen.
He Shouts in a hoarse voice...

"Younghoon!!" He turned towards the younger one, pulling him by his collar
"Where is he Younghoon? Where is Jimin? I commanded you not to let him move by himself!" The soldier groaned his tongue knotted in fear colonel's angry looks poked holes in his own.

"S-sorry sir I thought he was coming straight to you" he stutter trembling under his commander's fist, but Namjoon intervened grabbing V's wrist.
"Calm down, sir. We'll look for him and find him. Don't worry." He tried to calm his disgruntled comrade, who let go of Younghoon, pulling a fist of his hair and taking a deep breath.

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